Have humans actually been to the moon?

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tyler ware

Well-known member
Aug 10, 2007
Since it is going to be raining and cold, figured I would start a discussion that will go nowhere. Also read something on the brain teaser thread that made me think of this, and the shuttle was supposed to launch last night. If we went to the moon in when ever that was 1960's, then how come one other country or even us can get back to the moon. Everything else dealing with technology has gone down in cost and become much easier except that one thing, somehow it became more costly and harder to do with better technology. In my opinion, there is no American flag stuck in the soil on the moon, no human foot print either. I mean if I were going to build a space station, would I not build it on land where there is a little gravity and it stays put. If the Russians can build the first space station then why can they not get a man to the moon. Ah the powers of TV!
Hey Tyler I often wonder the same thing. But who really knows. NASA and space exploration is very costly but have provided us with some fun tool. GPS, satellite phones, satellite tv etc.....
Just be glad they don't show up to explore Uranus!!!!!

Sorry couldn't help myself ;)
Another moon shot would be more than extremely expensive, it would be stupidly expensive. Also, there is not a real reason to go back. There was so much material collected that NASA does not feel it can really learn anything else from another trip there. The cost of building and maintaining a space station 120 miles away is also much less expensive than building and maintaining one a quarter of a million miles away.
Tyler you might want to look at current events, and research the Aries II rocket of which several of my colleuges are working on right now. Huntsville is a huge NASA town, we've been to the moon, and will go back if this administration will allow. Its not like we can just take a straight shot to the moon, land simply and take off just as easy as you might think. There are many astronomical issues and forces that the Russians couldn't overcome. Also have you researched much about Russia? Most of their technologies and systems were mainly propoganda.

In college I worked in the cementacious lab for Dr. Hussain Toutanji and his main research was cementacious strengths of moon dust. I've handeled it and seen it worked with. It is like no substance on this earth.
....and also the cost of technology and all of what you say is NOT going down on the R&D front... I promise you that.
Everything else dealing with technology has gone down in cost and become much easier except that one thing, somehow it became more costly and harder to do with better technology.

Think of it like this. The price of a car in 1960...about $3000, price of a car in 2009..... $30000. It's still car,still gets you from point a to point B. Why the change?</p>

Tyler..you have too much time on your hands. You really need to be fishing Man! m:)

With that said...heres a quote that sums this thread up.

"So the writer who breeds more words than he needs, is making a chore for the reader who reads."
Dr. Suess :)
Why is there a disclaimer on the Allstate Auto Insurance commericals that says "Not available in all states"?
emoHijack emoOffTopic so I am the only one who really thinks we (living human beings) never went to the moon and will not in our life. About that Tech cost, lets look at 1gig hard drives over the past 10 years and see price changes. Or maybe 5mega pixel camera. Anyways, the world believing that we went to the moon accomplished what is was supposed to, it really don't matter. You don't really have to do it if everyone believes you did it.
Tyler the systems we use in weaponry and space in R&D are much much much more advanced and expensive than 1 gig HD and 5mega pixel cameras. R&D is what drives cost up, because its necessary for trial and error.

I'd like to know what makes you believe we didn't go to the moon other than the Fox special a few years ago? What about all the wreckage that has been photographed via satelites for the last 30 years. I guess thats fabricated too.