HB Night Series 9/24 Results

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Well-known member
May 26, 2009
Rossville, GA
Maybe it was all the good football games on I don't know. We also have a few that fished the CFF I'm sure. We only had 4 boats so it was winner takes all. Charlie and Jason Myers won first place and big fish with a limit of 14.75 anchored by a 9.70 kicker. Hope to see more folks next Saturday night.
And STILL after my elusive 10 lber...........................................................I guess I'll just have to be satisfied with catching 9s lol.
Hook1 - 9/26/2016 11:42 AM

And STILL after my elusive 10 lber...........................................................I guess I'll just have to be satisfied with catching 9s lol.

emoUpsmile you poor thing you. Feel so sorry for you having to be "just satisfied" with catching nine pounders. emoWorthy Jmax