HBSP dog fight 8/10

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Well-known member
Mar 1, 2006
There were 46 fishermen participating on a breezy night. We could not get a fish to bite on any hole. Up river, down river, nothing! Chris caught one slick on a c-rig down river and we decided to head back up. Stopped on a channel drop where I caught a keeper spot on the rig. hit a few more spots with nothing. At 9:00 Chris got his bell rung by a nice one! then at 9:16 he boated another keeper LM. That was it! We boated 4 and 3 kept, we weighed in 7.66#, with the biggest going 4.35#. 1st was 10 something and big fish was 5.56#. There were at least 10 fish over 4# weighed in tonight, and everyone (of the fish) was very healthy! This lake is doing well, judging by what has been winning the dog fights these past few weeks! I saw 2jigs & Cory with fish, and I swear I saw Jmax, but not at the weigh-in! To be honest the bite was tough tonight, but I am expecting to see some good bags weighed in Saturday. My prediction is 17-18# for the win and a big fish over 6# will see the scales...Looking forward to seeing you all!
RANMAN .... make sure you get a pic of RR with that big smile on his face......or that look of terror...he may not be used to that fine ride at speed.....emoPoke
Oh yeah, I didn't even touch my good holes. I dredged all of those holes Bettle showed me!emoPoke He agreed that if we fish my holes Saturday, it has to be in the dark with the GPS turned off!

Jmax and I did fish the tournament but didn't catch but one 15+ incher. We caught about 15 fish. Most of them were 13-14 inchers. We caught all but one on the edge of the grass in one small area. The big fish just wouldn't cooperate. We both need to get out and get to know the main lake better. We both tend to be numbers fishermen and happen onto good ones every once in a while but neither of us fish deep as well as we need to this time of the year. I would expect that most of the big fish are in cooler water at the thermocline 15 or so feet down. Is that where you've been catching them churly?
Yea Churly, you saw me. Like polo said, we just had one good one and I let it go before we even came in. I decided I might try to catch it again tonight.emoLaugh I was with the Doctor last night so you should have said something I would have intro duced you to the famous, Polo. I skipped the weigh in since it was raining so bad and I was ready to get home and get it all ready for tonight. See you then,emoThumbsup Jmax

Had a great time with ya there Polo.emoBigsmile
I came into the weighin just as it finished. We were running in just as the heavy rain hit. I'm glad that Jmax could see 'cause I could see hardly anything. It would have been good to meet you churly. I was looking for faces that I would recognize but I didn't see all that many. I know 2jigs and a couple other guys but for the most part I know very few tourney guys.
I stood in-between the garbage can and the corner durring the weigh in. I was right behind 2jigs. I usually have a green Corona hat on( Its not my favorite beer, the hat fits my huge melon!). Believe it or not our fish related much shallower than you would think last night, All of our keepers were actually shallower than 15ft, but deeper than 10ft. But they were in close proximity to deep water. I know the lake level was very high last night and thats when that bite will come a little shalower...Keeping in mind that this is my opinion and every time I think I have it all figured out, mother nature throws a curve ball.