There were 46 fishermen participating on a breezy night. We could not get a fish to bite on any hole. Up river, down river, nothing! Chris caught one slick on a c-rig down river and we decided to head back up. Stopped on a channel drop where I caught a keeper spot on the rig. hit a few more spots with nothing. At 9:00 Chris got his bell rung by a nice one! then at 9:16 he boated another keeper LM. That was it! We boated 4 and 3 kept, we weighed in 7.66#, with the biggest going 4.35#. 1st was 10 something and big fish was 5.56#. There were at least 10 fish over 4# weighed in tonight, and everyone (of the fish) was very healthy! This lake is doing well, judging by what has been winning the dog fights these past few weeks! I saw 2jigs & Cory with fish, and I swear I saw Jmax, but not at the weigh-in! To be honest the bite was tough tonight, but I am expecting to see some good bags weighed in Saturday. My prediction is 17-18# for the win and a big fish over 6# will see the scales...Looking forward to seeing you all!