Alot of boats showed up for a breezy night of fishing. Chris and I have a club Tx Saturday so we decided not to beat up the same stuff. We started on a hump and before the other boats were out of site I landed a solid keeper. We bumped around trying some new stuff with no luck. Chris caught a couple of small fish that were schooling on top. Caught 2 shorties off of a shallower hump right at dark. We thought we were going to choke again and at about 8:45 he put a nice 16" fish in the well. Then I nailed one that was fat as a beach ball but 14 7/8". At 9:10, I felt a slight resistance on the line and landed another solid keeper. I thought we had an easy 7.5lbs, but ended with 6.94Lbs and third place. Corey Nichols won with 7.30 and nice fish ( cant remeber the weight but close to 4lbs.) Big fish was 4.5lbs and I guess the high pressure, full moon, and no water movement combined to make it a touugher than usual night. I got a chance to introduce myself to BassBullet who had some fish and got a courtesy weight of 5 something. ( she did not participate in the Tx). Meeting her brought something to my attention: I guess my picture makes me look older than I am. BB thought I was an older gent. I am 28. Great evening to be out!