Heartland Results

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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We didnt, we had 31.90 but couldn't keep a 21lb rock bass, emoLaugh....


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I think Dusty and Shane Frazier are related. emoPoke Been trying to get Shane to post the results of the CBA Classic ever since we had it and all we have been told is it has been fixed for next year? emoScratch What happened to the results of this years' classic? Did they loose it? Why have one of the officers not gone ahead and posted it. Stepped up to the plate, stop giving excuses and just post it. I gave up! emoBang You guys might as well give up on Dusty too. emoRolleyes Jmax
Some of you are really concerned with results of a local fishing tournament huh? lol Get a hobby Jmax
derek81 - 12/19/2016 8:43 AM

Some of you are really concerned with results of a local fishing tournament huh? lol Get a hobby Jmax

Look who is talking! You fish a lot more then me. Now you have dumped me and are going this next year with your ringers! Chris Height and Chase! You better go with them cause if you don't your not going to get any netting practice. emoPoke Jmax