Hell hath most assuredly frozeth over!

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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2007
Cleveland TN
The man that wold leave his phone turned off for weeks at a time, even when taking said phone someplace would turn it off, and place it in a bag in his lunchbox, the one who detested "thosepeopleon the phone allthetime, has come to the dark side.</p>

The one, the only, Senile Ol Coot, EricM has a new Droid?!?!? Im speechless.</p>

Ha Ha, this touched a nerve. Judie and I have been going back and forth on the value of a smart phone. Our present phones are about 6 years old and they FLIP !!.

We mostly use our phones to find each other when out shopping at the mall or Academy or Sportsmans. I am quite a bit older than Eric and tend to get lost a lot, lol.

Just keep on trying to keep up.

Regards, Labman
I am confused....again.... emoRolleyes . Does not the name itself lend it to the fact that one who possesses a "Smart Phone" must be smart in order to use it? emoEvil OR does the phone name, "Smart Phone" in fact indicate that one not so smart, can use a smart phone and fake that he is indeed smart? emoConfused If it is the later then what is EricM doing with one, if it is indeed the second option....I need to get one of those. emoBigsmile lol, Jmax
When you posses the kind of money EricM has, I'm surprised he doesn't have a Man Servant to follow him around to answer the phone for him.

Oh wait... that would be the other brother Erik wouldn't it! emoBigsmile
Smart refers to the phone, not necessarily the owner. My phone makes calls and takes pictures of the grandkids. I have a computer at home.
I've been BESMIRCHED!!! emoDoh

Oh wait....can one be besmirched if the, uh, smirching is TRUE????????? emoBigsmile