HELP I need to get rid of some mice

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Well-known member
Feb 21, 2006
this winter we have picked up quite a few mice in the house with glue traps but the last week or two has been horrible it seems like they are in every room and I can't seem to get them with the glue traps. Anyone out there got any suggestions?
Just got rid of the only mouse we had. We have 2 house cats, and they never cared to hunt the mouse. Just used a flip trap, smeard some peanut butter on it and the problem was gone the next morning.
Your best bet is with the sticky traps... just put some peanut butter in the middle of each trap to add extra draw power.... don't use more than a small amount, a little less than dime sized though.
Mice have very long tongues and you want them to step into the trap to reach the peanut butter.

This next part is very important and it is true. Learned it from the pros that the Air force used in Valdosta, GA.

There are two types of mice (NOT field mice or house mice EITHER - for the clowns like me lol).

1) There are the friendly mice - want help thier buddy type


2) there are also the cannibalistic type (meat eater) that will want an easy meal


MAKE SURE IT IS STUCK AND I MEAN STUCK GOOD!!!!!! USE A PENCIL TO MOVE THAT LITTLE SUCKER ONTO THE PAD AND PRESS IT INTO THE GOO. THE MORE FEET YOU GET STUCK THE BETTER - THEY CAN'T USE ANYTHING FOR LEVERAGE TO GET OFF and stuck feet hold it better than just if held down by the fur. * This is important as the 2 types will come into play next.

Leave that mouse on the pad overnight.... It will be struggling to get off and hopefully even squeaking, calling for help. The other mice will hear it, then either the helper mice will come to see if they can help and the cannibals will come over hoping to eat the poor sucker for an easy meal, thus either way attracting more mice and getting them stuck too. I've caught 3 mice on a pad this way. Just never leave a stuck mouse more than 1 night. The fur can be pulled loose and they can get away.

Another way to increase the catch rate is to lay items on the floor and create a funnel using a passage / channel way so they have to follow it and cross the pads.

If these don't help, then try fire... lmao jk

Good luck,
I found out about agreat mouse trap years a go, get one, two, or more of the minnow traps that come apart in the middle that have a funnel on each end, put some bread with peanut butter on it in the middle of the trap, the mice will crawl in the funnels but don't know how to get back out, to dispose of the mice, open the trap and pour the mice in the commode and flush it, rebait and put back out. Mice run along walls inside or out, they don't venture into open areas too much.
Seems like everyone is getting overrun with mice. I have lived here for 6 years and never had a mouse problem. We have 3 cats and the little suckers still got into one of our cabinets. I have caught one today but I think there may be more. My wife works for K-mart and she said they were almost sold out of traps. Sounds like an invasion!!!
I believe it's the weather..... my girlfriend said it's been the coldest winter here than she's seen in several yrs... more snow that normal too. It forces the mice inside to survive.
try this ,it is more fun an i heard my grandfather used to do it back in the house they lived in at the foot .that is at the incline at whitwell.he had a 22 rifle an he would get into bed an use shorts,an as they ran across the floor he would shoot them...laugh all you want ,it is a true story...the house was called a company house ,owned by tennesse consloiated coal company..this was back in the 50s.anybody out there that goes back that far..... emoUSA
<font face="comic sans ms,sand" color="#ff0033" size="5">D-con....... get several little boxes and that will do the trick....FA</font>
Make sure you set the traps right against the walls. They are wary little pests and run against the walls more often than not. My sister who is a curator at a zoo told me that - she knows a lot about animals.
...get a really highly pitched cedar box turkey call, a 12 gauge shotgun, pump or automatic, preferably with a least a modified choke,... full choke is better,{you don't want that thing to spray all over the house} loaded with 8 1/2 to 9 bird shot, low brass field loads are fine. Get your black light from the garage or out of the boat and hook it up to one of your trolling motor batteries, and a big jar of Peter Pan Crunchy. You absolutely must have chunky! Set this all up between the dining room and the kitchen area. Shower first, before dark, with no soap and rinse with Arm and Hammer baking soda to eliminate all human odor and smells. {You want the peanut butter aroma to waft through the entire house.} You might want to put out a lid full of Kendall Jackson red, just to beef up your chances. Either dress in Real Tree "Rat Kill" or just get some black pants and a black {preferably hooded sweat shirt}. Don't forget to use your darkest camo make up on your face! You want to look like a Ninja! Turn on some Barry White music to set the mood for the little devils. If your not comfortable with the cedar box call , you can get an electronic call in CD format to play. Screech it, schreel it, ...and pause ...pause... {just like a jerk bait}... repeat...and wait! Set back and relax...and...yes... wait... you can have a glass of Kendall Jackson while you wait, and maybe another... or two! Have a tape measure and camera handy for Boone & Crocket possibilities! Enjoy the hunt! I can recommend a taxidermist to if you need, if you get a trophy, but he doesn't do piece work! Be careful! I've done this several times and I can first off testify, that it's best to notify your "Neighbor Hood Watch" of the possible of blast sounds just in case! But it's not like the "John Law" is going to show up or anything, my gosh they don't show up after a 911 call! It's just for the neighbors for sake!
Hey Elwestb......

Here's a better tactic you can try.....

Just put on your best color coordinated bra and panties set, panties-hose, high heels and matching lipstick. Then sit back and let the little buggers laugh themselves to dead!!!!!!!!

Less noise that way too!!!!!!! emoPoke

emoBang emoEnforce emoHoppingmad

just kidding my man. we know you aren't a cross dresser. emoUpsmile emoToast emoSorry

from your local CFF's - Clowns and Jokesters Union (CJU),

Shark (Self Appointed VP of CFF/CJU) emoDance emoGoofy emoCrazy
... that may just work! Hadn't thought of it! I think my fish nets are still in the boat form a party at Christmas with my 6 in. stilettos! I'll try and find them! Thanks!
Get a big plastic trash can w/a lid like the Ace hardware type. Put a hole in the center of the lid. Put any food that you think the mice will eat in the bottom of the can. The mice jump in through the hole, but cant get out. I caught 5 at one time like this by accident. Just kidding about the cat. I hate cats!
Get a cat and keep it hungry. A well fed cat has little incentive to kill and eat mice. Been there done that. We keep a cat in my shop and only feed it a couple times a week. No mice in the shop and the cat is quite healthy. I don't want a cat stinking up my house so I get some poison from the exterminator and keep it in a couple strategic areas. Just don't let Rusty get into the poison.
we had a mouse problem a few years back and they were bad. we tried about everything and this is what worked. first i went around the whole outside of house to first find where they were getting in at. culprit ended up being 2 different spots. my access door to under my house had a broke hinge and it was on a lean with about 2 inches of room for them to get in, and second place was a vent in the cinder blocks where some kid busted the screen out. after fixing these spots this is what worked ....... moth balls. put a few everywhere. they stink unless you like the smell of them but they worked for us. we spent a small fortune on glue traps, spring traps, all kinds of traps and a 2 dollar box of moth balls did the trick. dont ask why i dont know but they did. hope this helps
In hunting camp, we put down a lid (off of butter dish) on the floor under the stove with antifreeze in it. Just make sure there are no other animals around, cause it can kill them also.
We rarely ever see a mouse inside anymore and we are in the middle of the woods and there are plenty of mice and more than one way for them to enter I am sure.
Get a couple of cats or do what I do sometimes when they get in my place. Sit on the couch with a pellet gun and pick them off if you see one. emoEnforce
I'd rather have a mouse than a cat, Try a couple of those electric high frequency noise transmitters from Lowes They don't cost too much, plug them in, forget 'em and no meowing or cat pee to smell. They worked for us, Good luck