HELP!!! Lost Bird

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Well-known member
May 24, 2006
Guys if anyone is out tomorrow (saturday) or sunday in the brainerd/east ridge/eastgate area and happen to see an adult red tail hawk with leather jesses (straps) hanging from both legs and leather anklets on his legs please reply here, email me, or better yet call me on my cell 423-760-3120 and please keep an eye on him. I came home today from working in nashville and was going to feed him when I noticed he was not in his mew. I know he had to have got out today sometime as he was in there last night and most of the day today. Im sure he can survive on his own however I miss my buddy. Thanks in advance for any help. Landon
Landon I am so sorry to hear this man. I know what thoose birds mean to their owners. I hope somebody calls you with some info buddy
I forgot to mention. He has 2 bells that are attached to his legs as well. So if you see a red tail and hear bells thats him.
You might be able to get in touch with Luther on tv, he posts lost cats and doga and such, he would probably post about your lost bird. I hope you find him, that would be a terrible loss after all the training you have done plus the big job of finding another one to train.emoSorry
Deadeye. I live off GErmantown and working off Moore between 24 and ringgold rd. Going out of town today, but keep my eyes open starting Monday. Sorry to hear about that, its like family. How tall does that bird stand?
So far no luck. Ive been out all morning looking.

Tyler he is roughly 24" tall feet to top of head. He has the red tail dark chest and 2 jesses and 2 bells on him. I live right off moore and sunbeam so you're right in the area he could be. Landon
As of today sunday I now have my bird back. He followed a guy into his house on the terrace by I24 a block from my house and then McKamey Animal services went to get him. Glad to have him back and he is in good health and fatter haha. Now we can get back to hunting. You will see new reports from me with him and in a couple of weeks I will have reports with my new bird I got a week ago. Thanks all. Landon
<font face="comic sans ms,sand" color="#ff0033" size="4">Deye.............sure am glad you got your bird back......they sure are a pretty thing.....FA</font></p>
You know... I was thinking... What would any of US do if a dang Hawk just followed you into your house?!?!?!? That would pretty much freak most people out. Though I'm sure when you see the leather and bells on it, you would put 2 and 2 together, but man... I guess it's pretty lucky a calm person dealt with it and didn't harm the bird by trying to nail it with a broom to get it out of the house or something like maybe a woman/kid would do or something.
They were able to gently push him back out with the broom but he was more into it than she was haha.

Ive actually had the new bird picked out for 2 weeks now, but just trapped him the other day.