Here today, gone tomorrow 2/13/2007

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Well-known member
Mar 8, 2006
What a difference a day makes. I got out today around 10:30 and fished until 12:45 in the same places that I fished yesterday and surprise, surprise, surprise! Not a keeping crappie to be found. Bluegills out the ying yang, but no crappie. I did manage to catch one of those highly sought after golden shiners too. Two measly throwback crappie completed my morning before the whitecaps came. Don't mind the rain. Came prepared for it. Can't stand whitecaps when I'm throwing 1/32 oz jigs, so I came home, swallowed my pride and posting this report. I probably won't be getting any requests for trips for a while now. Now it's off to Cobleskill, NY for Wanda and me. See you guys sometime next week.
RE: Here today, gone tomorrow.

Be careful on your trip DK.... looks like the weather all around us is horrible!!!  Certainly will miss you!
RE: Here today, gone tomorrow 2/13/2007

carolf29 - 2/13/2007 2:48 PM

Be careful on your trip DK.... looks like the weather all around us is horrible!!!  Certainly will miss you!

Thanks, Carol. We are gonna let Delta do the flying for us. Friends picking us up in Albany. Meetings in the Best Western all weekend. We won't even have to get outside the entire time. Long range weather up there looks favorable for our return trip.
You be good up there & don't show them yankees any fishin tricks.
 Have a safe trip & get back down here real soon

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