Hi Point pistols ultimate testing

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Re: Hi Ppoint pistols ultimate testing

Good thing they didn't drop the Hi Point in the cow dung. They would not have been able to find it.
Hate on them all you want rich boys. i have 2 a C9 and a .45 as truck guns, and love them. Shot lots of more expensive firearms, and the both feed ball ammo like no body's business. Solid, cheap, lifetime warranty, I have 2 and if i need will buy another. I like to have a gun in every car. Dont get me wrong, I love nice guns, but I would much rather have a 130 dollar high point in my pocket when it gets rough than get mugged while saving up for a custom Kimber!
i agree, i have had many of these handguns and for the money you cant lose. i have a hi-point 45acp and a springfield 1911-A1 and a RIA 1911 all in 45cal and i have never had any of them to jam, i did have a magazine fly apart but it was a cheapo mag i picked up at the gun show. for 150 bucks i think the hi-point is a really good gun IMO.
I would not trust the life of my family members nor my own with one of these pos pistols. JMHO
I shoot my guns a lot....contrary to these videos I have never seen a hi-point that has been shot a lot that didn't develop problems. This includes their line of carbide rifles. Some of the more comical situations where the bolt lever went flying down range on a carbine. The guy said it happens all the time and proceeded to twist a replacement 1/4 x 4" lag screw into the bolt until the range was called cold and he could fetch his part back. Another was the rear sight tearing a dovetail off the slide when one was dropped. </p>

But then again most people who buy these don't buy them to shoot them a lot. Heck...4 boxed of loaded .45acp costs as much as one of these guns.</p>

When I think quality expensive guns I think Chipmunk rifles, NEF shotguns, marlin model 60s. When I think of cheap throwaways I think of loracin and hi-point.</p>

This really isn't a snobby observation...it is a fact that these guns are cheaply made items for people who really don't shoot guns very much. For a truck gun...that is all that many need. If I had any other means I would never trust my life with one.
I think some of you may be confusing What the guns are for and what most people use them for.
I don't think I have ever seen someone swear by them as defense weapons. They are cheap fun to shoot.
That they are!</p>

The thing is ....why did these gun shop owners in the video think that the only way to get a trigger lock is to cut the gun!?!? That right there is pretty sorry logic.</p>
I have been able to splurge on one "good" firearm, a Bersa thunder 45, cheap by many's standards. i drive 3 different cars and have a garage i work at late at night. i don't live in an area unsecure enough to carry my firearm out to the garage, and switch cars. i cant afford a fine firearm in every vehicle, nor would i leave one there if i could, but do like the security of it. Once while going to a harescramble in ELberton Ga i stopped at a gas station 2 in the morn in the GHETTO had some thugs try to bother me, TELLING me not asking i was going to give them some gas money, getting loud yelling at me while they walked my way, stuck the c9 in the front of my pants and covered it with my shirt as i got my wallet out of my car to pay at the pump. the main thug mustve saw me do this, he was at the bed of the truck by now clearing the whole parking lot, because he quickly backed away with his hands in the air saying "naw man we aint got no problem" they hopped in the car and took off. i didnt say a word or even show it. i figure at the least that 140$ gun saved me from getting robbed and my but wipped and perhaps saved my life. and yes i did bet my life it would fire if i needed it. it did so just as well as my 2000$ weatherby over and under, my deer rife, or any other gun i DIDNT HAVE WITH ME!!! yeah i might have had a slight measure more of security having a ruger, glock, sig, etc....but had i have been saving for one of those i wouldnt have had it that night.
and my c9 has had probably 5-600 rounds through it one maybe 2 ftfs cant say any other auto i have shot has done any better. clear it out and keep shooting, takes 1 second.
I plan to keep shooting it every time i get the pistols out, when it gets un reliable either i will call in my lifetime warranty, or go buy another!!!
maybe one day when i am rich, or give up hunting fishing dirt bikes paying my bills and feeding my family i will get a whole arsenal of uber-expensive handguns, at that point i will be able to afford to let them get scratched and rusted and not give a crap. but until then, i will tell anyone who asks Hi point beats the hell out of a rock in the hand or a glock in the gun cabinet.
I_Like_Pie - 1/19/2011 9:21 PM

That they are!</p>

The thing is ....why did these gun shop owners in the video think that the only way to get a trigger lock is to cut the gun!?!? That right there is pretty sorry logic.</p>

It was clarified in a comment response later on one of the videos. Whoever had the guns prior cut the locks off instead of just drilling out the key-hole. They didnt have a penny in the guns, so decided to abuse them. </p>


I_Like_Pie - 1/19/2011 3:32 PM
 This really isn't a snobby observation...it is a fact that these guns are cheaply made items for people who really don't shoot guns very much.  For a truck gun...that is all that many need.  If I had any other means I would never trust my life with one.

Exactly right Matt. If anybody that likes the Hi Point/Lorcin guns did much shooting at all they would clearly see the danger in trusting them with their life. No gun snobbery at all in me. I carry and shoot Glocks. There are dozens of guns that are more expensive but NONE are more dependable.
WOW great series, these guys are nuts.
I have to say if you watch all of the videos and still say they aren't reliable guns, you are just too hard to please. Afer failing to get it to quit running ammo, they beat a a grade 8 bolt into the barrel with a brick, chamber an overloaded jhp, clamp the action shut and bulge the barrel. take a sanding belt to it to get the slide to rack, then run 50 rounds through it without a failure to feed! (still putting rounds on paper) how can you question reliability? And no Jennings/Bryco or Lorcin guns are nothing like these, they are trash i have had one of each good luck getting one mag to feed in all but the best conditions.

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