High Falls Bass 8/17/2006

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Ronnie Garrison

Well-known member
May 8, 2006
Griffin, GA
I caught 6 big shiners in my upper pond and fed the fish. Took them to the lower pond at 1:30 and drug one under a cork around as I cast a Zoom Mag 2 worm. Caught three bass, two about 12 inchs long and one about 2 pounds on the worm. Got one hit on the shiner, bass took the cork down but I guess I set the hook too quick and did not hook it.

It sprinkled rain on me and I heard thunder off in the distance. At 3 I was ready to go so I reeled in the shiner and got it hung on a log. Went back to get it and lost the bait. Put another one on to drag to where I take the boat out. As soon as I dropped it over the side of the boat the shiner took off. It ran a few feet then I saw a cloud of scales - realized a bass hit it. Set the hook and landed a 2.5 pounder.

I took those two in my bait tank to High Falls, a 650 acre state park lake, to meet two guys for a GON article. Wanted fish for pictures, just in case. Met them at the ramp at 4 just as a thunder storm came up. We sat under the bridge for an hour while it rained and lightning popped. I got the basic info I needed - and found out I had taught both of them in the 7th grade many years ago. Kinda scary!.

Quit raining at 5 so we headed to one of their best spots. We were fishing up a bank, sitting a long cast out from a seawall and the boat was in only 7 feet of water. Guys told me there was a lot of grass under the water and the one in front was throwing a buzzbait and in back a Chug Bug. After I finished taking notes about the spot I picked up the one rod I had brought - the rod with the Texas rigged oom Mag 2 worm. Second cast I worked it through the grass and when it came clear I felt a thump. Set the hook on a good 2.5 pound bass that really fought good.

We fished a few more spots then pulled up on one that was a little deeper. Channel runs near the bank and bank drops off into 12 feet of water. We were sitting on the far side of the channel casting across it, hitting some wood on the bottom. I got a bite and caught a 2.75 pound bass.

Checked out some more spots then went to the very upper end of the lake. Shallow with lots of stumps and grass - Hydrilla, I think. Guy in the back got a 3.5 pound fish on the Chug Bug. I took the weight off my worm and cast it and saw one swirl on it on top. Hooked a 2 pounder. Then guy in front got a 2 pounder on a buzzbait.

Sun was almost at tree line and you have to be off that lake at sundown so we headed in. Pretty good for three hours - and I didn't need the bass I took, we got some bigger ones for pictures.
RE: High Falls Bass

Sounds like you had a lot of fun with a couple of "students". Good report.emoAngel