in the last 5 years i have hit two deer with my vehicles and the first one wasnt so bad the deer survived to my knowledge and all i lost was a headlight ring and bracket and a parking crossed the road and i figured since they usually run in twos or threes there was another coming so i had time to slow down quit a bit ,i would say i was running 25 mph,this past wensday i was on my way to work and had two to cross my drive way on the way out.i love seeing deer but as i proceeded on to work and about 4 miles out i was running maybe 50 to 55 mph and out of the gray morning light and in the middle of a houseing neighborhood pops a 100 or so lb doe with no warning,i never had time to hit the brakes untill to late she went at least 20 ft in the air and landed in the ditch back first,needless to say she died a few mintues later but my truck is a wreck,from the bumper to the radiator it all has to be replaced,about 1000 dollars worth of damage,none to the fender or the can all be replaced but that deer is gone,i hunt and fish and harvest several deer a year but i still feel bad about killing this one. emoHungry