Hiwassee 3/20/2007

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2006
Went again today and put in at 58.I went staight to the spot,that I found a school of fish on yesterday.The second cast I caught a 4 1/2 +lber.I thought here we go again the mother load,but that was it.I had only a couple more bites and missed them.So it wasnt very good for me today but at least I caught that one good one.
I went yesterday as well 3-20.

There were a few folks at B&B when I got off work. I went back to the crappie spot I've been doing so well at and all my fish have moved. Saturday there were fish all over my stump/tree drop off. Yesterday there wasn't an arch or anything near it.

The guy I work with that has been catching them good, he shows up and wasn't doing that great either. With 3 people in his boat they managed to get 2 keepers.

Our fish have threw the good ole unpredictable spring curveball on us. Here today...gone tomorrow.