Hiwassee 8/4

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Jun 15, 2005
Cleveland ,TN.
Started out looking for the topwater bite at daybreak down by the big island but didn't find it.Then I decided to look for some new water so I moved around to the TN river side and started fishing the grassline on the dayton side of the river with
a chatterbait and finally hooked up with a fat little 14 incher.Got a few more bites after that but it seemed like the fish were just nipping at my baits and not really taking it.I made a few changes to try and get them to bite it a little better but by that time it was getting a little warm so I decided to call it a day.So just as I was about to put my rods back in the locker a couple show themselves just off the side of the boat chasing a school of shad,so I toss my spook out to where I saw them and BOOM! best bite of the morning and a pretty good largemouth, but he got off right at the boat :( Anyway it was a nice just to be out on the water again till the sun came up, I had the entire river to myself accept for one other boat! No current at all that I could tell which I guess is why the bite was so slow.
I haven't been on the Hiwassee in over a month...I'm on the verge of withdrawals. We've been fishing the Chick over the last few weekends in an attempt to figure out the deep water game. I'm anxious to get back up there and flip some shallow wood for a change.
I didn't try gunstocker because I thought you guys might go there and I would get a report anyway.I just wanted to hit some new water for a change.Although I can stand only so much fishing without catching before I get antsy and have to go catch a few before I call it a day! Hiwassee is tough with no current!
I need to get back down there. I went a few years ago and fished the coves between the Tennessee River and the I-75 bridge. Had one of the best days fishing around there. My friend and I caught the heck out of them in shallow water in May. Biggest went about 5 lbs and was in 3 feet of water. This fall, I will get back down there and try it again. This time I'll get one of you all to show me aroundemoPoke emoBigsmile
went this morning on the hiwassi....caught 8 bass...3 keepers...biggest 5lb. 4oz....all the fish i have been catching has been bout 12 to 18 foot deep...throwing a big 10" worm carolina rigged.....won the dog fight last monday...12.20lbs
Great job sm7mag!I love it when Tracey and Jeff get beat,Just seems like I'm never the one to do it! Are You fishing the main channel cuts?
Excellent weight, sm7mag! I was beginning to wonder if you had given up the bass and turned into a die-hard crappie junkyemoPoke. Keep the reports coming!
we did it again...we won again last nite...had 12.55 lbs....big fish was a little over 4lbs....ranman.. we are fishing the breaks off the main river channel and ditches that run into the channel...still catching them on a big 10" worm....zoom black emerald.....caught a few on spinnerbait....jason...i did get on some crappie out just messin around early sunday morning.....had 10 in the livewell and just threw them back...caught them on grubs...i believe if i had taken some minnows , i could of wore them out...found the fish in ditches with stumps in 8 to 12 ft. of water
I know where your fishing! I know where your fishing!;) Good job!I saw you guys out there last night,I told my buddy that ya'll where fishing that spot for all it was worth! But I guess it payed off.We where just across the river fishing the bluff and just messing around.I was out there from 8am till 8pm and got so hot at one point I threw up about six times before I could get in the water and cool off! (as much as 90deg water will cool you off)Seems like everyone was moving around alot last night and I saw a few of them leaving early.
ranman - 8/8/2006 4:50 PM I know where your fishing! I know where your fishing!;) Good job!I <font color="#990000">saw you guys</font> out there last night.....

yeah, the pictures of your boat(s) are real helpfull!

Thanks for the report guys... I lived on Price Creek (my folks still have a place there), and REALLY miss fishing that area. </p>
Stumpy ditches...across from bluff...I can picture the spot in my head. sm7mag, if you reel in a Lucky Craft Flat MR, I would like it backemoLaugh!
ranman......shhhhhh!.....dont give out to much info......its getting to hard to find a good place holding fish... ;)
Don't worry I'm done! Congrats again your wins!what was up with everybody moving so much monday night?I think Fenton passed us three times!
i heard fenton was hunting tracy.....tracy is supposed to have his new boat (allison)put together...he is wanting to race him.....alot of people said the bite was pretty tough....i guess they were trying to find some fish

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