Hiwassee bass 9/4

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Well-known member
Jun 15, 2005
Cleveland ,TN.
I took my middle son out today to see if we could do any better than yesterday.We fished the same area with the same baits as yesterday , with the same weather and current conditions but something wasn't the same because the fish just didn't bite as well today.If I had to guess I would say the heavy boat traffic from the afternoon may have driven the bass a little deeper than the previous day.We stopped after about three hours and headed to the back of a cove to try some shallow buzzbaits, but no luck with that either so as we were heading out my son tosses a spinnerbait over to a little patch of grass and hooks a 12lb drum!You should have seen that little fella fighting that thing!I haven't seen him smile that big all summer!So we netted the smelly thing and took a picture with it on the scales to show mom and brothers and headed to another cove.While off plane and heading in to this cove I just happened to glance at my gragh in time to see a 5 foot ledge!so I slam it out of gear and drop a marker on it and begin to circle around to see if anything is there or not,when I discover the biggest friggin brushpile I think I've ever seen!Then I see a little marker so small I would have missed it if I hadn't ran right beside it! I'm not sure who put that brush there but thanks!That's all I'm saying about it,and if it's someone's on this board rest assured that it's location is "in the vault"and will never be spoken of again!I have never seen anyone there and I sure wasn't looking for it,so I'm thinking it's fair game right?We left very happy shortly after that:)
if it had a black or purple marker...i dont know whose it is...;) go ahead and tell us.....did you do any good there?
When the water gets drawn down, those little markers can be found near the mouth of all the small coves and sloughs. Make some good notes, then hit them in the spring and early summer. Most usually hold at least one, if not two or three, hefty largemouth. Unfortunately, they also seem to attract big cats, and when you hook one you think you've got the new state record largemouth onemoLaugh !
Hey sm7,I've heard that the guys that put those out have to go every once in a while and catch the crappie off of them to keep them full of bass,Zat true? Also do you just put them out in different areas for certain times of the year,say one or two for the prespawn,one or two for the summer etc?
yeah ..we try to put them to where they will attract the bass certain times of the year...but you can catch bass off some of them anytime of the year...if you pull up on one and catch a couple crappie...you can just about bet you wont catch any bass there...i dont really know the reason for that , other than they just dont want to compete for the food....on up in the summer, you can load the boat pretty fast with crappie on most of them though
sm7mag, did you put out cedar brushpiles this Spring? Lashed together with some sort of metallic wire? They are a work of art!
sm7mag be careful they are trying to see how many piles are out there?You have heard of the secret fishing holes on the forum haven't you one is behind polo's houseemoLaugh

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