Hixson hotels???

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Wish I could help, but I've never stayed in a local hotel and rarely go to Hixon. I would say it's the same for most of the other guys that don't live in or around Hixon. Maybe try BBC in the general discussion for the quickest answer?
I did watch a fishing video on Chickamauga, that gentleman stayed at a newer Holiday Inn and he looked to be fising out of Chester Frost. Hope this helps
I believe the "newer Holiday Inn" Hunter referenced is the one on 27 in Dayton. Not sure how many hotels Hixson has but I use AirBNB and sites like that for situations similar to this.
I've never stayed at any of the motels in Hixson but I have seen boats parked here when there were tournies going on.......Holliday Inn Express & Suites Chattanooga-Hixson Hixson TN

Well... I'd start with Google maps and find the closest hotel to the boat ramp. Then pick the closest hotel to where you are going to eat breakfast... Lol that's what I do. Food wins.
Do you realize it is 7 miles from any hotel in Hixson to Chester Frost Park? Rarely will you find a hotel seven miles from a lake with the boat hookups you are searching for.

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