HOF Weights

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Well-known member
Nov 2, 2007
Ringgold, GA
It may have already been discussed/posted on here but is there a list of what weights/pounds a certain type of fish (LM, SM, Trout, Crappie etc.) has to be to be in the HOF? I was just wondering and was bored at work.
just click right under the "hall of fame" header when the page loads where it says "learn more about the big fish hall" or whatever it says and it tells all the weights needed to get in

Blue cat: 40 lb minimum, must be released
Flathead cat: 25 lb minimum, must be released
Channel cat: 12 lb minimum
Smallmouth 4 lb minimum, must be released
Largemouth 7 lb minimum, must be released
Striper 25 lb minimum, must be released
Crappie 15" minimum
Bream 11" minimum
Drum/Carp/Buffalo 20lb minimum
Gar 10lb minimum - must be landed on board, and released
--TROUT --
Rainbows- 20"
Browns- 24"
Brookes- 9"
Okay, so how long are you going to leave FA's pic with his "limit" if he doesn't meet the standards. Maybe that's just a really dense bluegill!
polo-dog - 9/6/2008 1:13 AM Okay, so how long are you going to leave FA's pic with his "limit" if he doesn't meet the standards. Maybe that's just a really dense bluegill!</p>


<font face="comic sans ms,sand" color="#ff0033" size="4">It is called being grandfathered in.....and I fit that image...lol</font></p>