Hog Hunting in Tennessee

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Jun 5, 2008
Charleston TN
A proclamation was signed in April that removes all seasons for wild hog, feral pig hunting on private lands. Hog hunts will also be discontinued on several WMA's.  </p>

TWRA wants rid of hogs and eliminates statewide hunting seasons for hogs.  hmmmmmmm. 


 The Following was posted on TNDeer.com

Proclamation 11-04 Statewide Big Game Hunting Seasons

Wild Hog - Remove wild hogs from big game and eliminate all wild hog hunting (will be listed in new Nonprotected Wildlife proclamation).

Here is statement by TWRA Big Game Coordinator Daryl Ratajczak: (From TNDeer.com)

The agency, as well as every other state agency in the country, has been trying to address the hog problem for quite some time. It is generally accepted that once a hog population becomes established it is near impossible to eradicate. The best way to keep hog populations under control is to not let them get established from the start. This means we'd simply have to set up a "front-line" along its historic range (Unaka Mountains and Cumberland Plateau) to prevent their natural range expansion. Unfortunately, their range expansion is not natural.

As you can see from the map below, hogs are showing up in isolated pockets (yellow arrows):</p>


The only thing we know for certain is pigs don't fly...they drive.

These isolated pockets can only be attributed to one thing, the illegal transport and release of hogs, primarily for the purpose of hunting. In order to slow their spread, we are removing the incentive to hunt hogs while we are equipping landowners with more opportunities to remove hogs from their property. This includes reclassifying them as a non-protected species and allowing landowners (and their designees) to use any legal weapon available, live-trapping with bait (outside of big game seasons), and the ability to easily get an exemption to allow them to hunt hog with the use of an artificial light or with the aid of bait, some counties will even allow landowners to use dogs to control their problems.

there you go ,everyone with a farm that has wild hogs moan and groan about all the pigs and deer that destroy there crops ,then if you ask to hunt it is 95 percent of them that say well i dont allow hunting on my property,so there you are they can let folks hunt or they can live with it. im sure the pigs destroy more than any ten hunters could dare, same way in flordia and georgia they want them gone but then they want to charge 300 to 500 bucks to hunt. i have hunted about everything that moves but have never killed a wild hogged im game but where to hunt.
No joke there needs to be and massive effort to eradicate the wild hogs. look at Texas and Florida there ate up with them. They destroy huge sections of property. If anyone wants help pm me I would be glad to come out to the Birchwood area and help. It will give me good hunting practice.
....Bet $5 will get you $10 that this law changes in the next 5 years. They aint gonna go away on their own, and plenty of em' live on lands that CAN NOT be hunted, so until they come up with birth control for hogs or let us kill em', its only gonna get worse. This is one of the dumbest things that I've heard
twra isnt known for being too smart,they are the biggest reason we had to start leaseing bow water land,