Well-known member
Just got a call from my boat tech. dude. I wanted him to fix a couple switches for me too. Well, lo and behold, he tells me the wiring on the boat is shot and that someone rigged up most of the stuff with speaker wire and that it could all go out at anytime. Man, I really wish I had bought from someone I knew or a dealer. &*@*#(!! Anyone know anyone who does wiring now too? Just to recap- that's a boat that needs to be rewired, and probably needs a new motor somewhere down the line. The tech. did tell me that he put the new rings in, motor fired right up and sounded really good. He's taking it out in the a.m. to lake test it for a bit so that's the small glimmer of hope. Man, I got a real good deal. Come to find out ignorance is not bliss.