How do you do it?

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Well-known member
Mar 1, 2013
Chattanooga, TN
If there was ever a random thought, this is it...when youre eating a burger or a sandwich and you have like 3-4 bites left, do you just chow down with no game plan? Plan your bites so the last one is more meat than bread? More bread than meat? Or a nice 50/50 bread/meat ratio bite?
Me personally, if the bread/bun is good, I like more bread than meat to finish it off. I love my carbs. But if the bread/bun is average, ill shoot for 50/50.
Always choose your bites wisely so the last bite has a perfect ratio of your preference
You are correct in the fact that this is a random thought, most random thought ever penned, possibly..LOL. However, I will bite (no pun intended). I must say, after serious thought, that I tend to slightly dip the burger in the left over ketchup from my fries. If it is a sandwich with crust, I lean more towards eating the last couple of bites of crust before diving into the last bite of crustless. Other than that, I tend to be of the 50/50 meat to bread ratio eater.
Bread never had a spine, a mother or blood running through it...therefore, it is not a meal. I will take the burger and leave the bread. Feed the bread to the birds. They need to be light enough to fly anyway!!!!
Good question VolsFan24, if the bread is extremely good, then I don't mind if there is less meat at the last 3 or 4 bites. When Arby's sold their philly cheese sandwich in that rectangled size hoagie bun, man was that bread good to me, meat or not I was going to finish that whole sandwich.
Then again if the sandwich is not all that and the last bite has no meat, I might just let it go. Now grilled sandwiches where the bread has been buttered and grilled to a golden brown crust as you say, its all going down the hatch. This is making me hungry, I think I'm going to make me a grilled sandwich for lunch today.
Cstick1 - 7/10/2014 8:24 PM

Always choose your bites wisely so the last bite has a perfect ratio of your preference

^^^^^^ This.

THe only exception is if your at 5 Guys, which has a good burger, but terrible bread. I challenge anyone to eat a whole burge from them and at the last few bites have anything resembling a bun left. :(

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