How do you stop mice? Yes this is serious, need help.

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Jun 27, 2007
Cleveland TN
Ok, I need some help. </p>

Every now-and-then we get an infulx of mice that wont stop untill they get in my house. It is really aggrivating. Since we live in the country, I know it is a fact of life, but this morning I had enough. The wife hollered to me there was a water leak in the kids bathroom. I turned off the water, and when I got home from work, dug in and just got done fixing it. Seems a mouse was so intent on getting in there, while sqeezing through the opening for the water supply, it was too tight, so it knawed on the wood bottom of the cabinet and on the "PEX" line untill it sprung a hole! I have never had them do this before.... If your not familier with PEX, it is a super-strong type of flexible PVC. Un-breakable stuff. Well that is except for a dang 2oz mouse

So I am wondering what yall do? I really dont want to do poison, made that mistake before and when a mouse is dying from that stuff, it seeks out water, and ends up in the dangest places to die, and STINK.

Traps only work AFTER they get in the house. </p>

Anyone got a good ideas? </p>
Oh man this was funny!</p>

"Man this rat must be the size of a nutria! It'll take two weeks for the rat to eat all that.

Is your new method to just feed him until he has a heart attack?"
Spur, get some minnow traps, the kind with a funnel on both ends, bait it up with peanut butter on bread, you will catch a ton of the little buggers, stick the trap in a 5 gal bucket of water to kill em.
One, find all entry points that mice could enter and plug the holes with steel wool, the put out bait for the mice in and around and under home ( is a safe place in side and out of reach of Children and pets). In some cases you might smell them, but most of the time under homes mice return to den and die under ground...Maybe this helps..or you could call local known Pest Professionals to help out.
I can testify that this works. I used this in a rental house over a year ago and no calls sense. And believe me, I would have recieved a call if they came back. ACE Hardware has all that you need. Steel Wool and yellow blocks of this mouse/rat killer. Break the blocks into pieces and throw under your house if it has a crawl space.
skeeterzx200 - 4/14/2008 8:40 PM

One, find all entry points that mice could enter and plug the holes with steel wool, the put out bait for the mice in and around and under home ( is a safe place in side and out of reach of Children and pets). In some cases you might smell them, but most of the time under homes mice return to den and die under ground...Maybe this helps..or you could call local known Pest Professionals to help out.
I had to do my best to keep field mice and voles out of the sleeping quarters for summer camp children on a 100 acre camp site. My best friend was the glue traps and a bucket of water. Drop the trap in the water mouse side down and when the movement ceases peel the mouse off and put the trap back in place. I caught 10 to 15 each morning 7 days a week, oh and water doesn't affect the glue one bit. oh yeah I put a dollop of peanut butter in the center of the glue so they have to put a foot in the glue to eat.
try using some steel wool around any opening.pipes vents etc.then thro some moth crystals around the foundation and then put mouse pellits in areas where you see droppings.the bait is an anti quagulant.they will bleed internally and never stink.boy i cant think of the name of that mouse is powder or pellets.
Put out plenty of poison.....go with Doc, catch and clean 50+ crappie. Throw remains of cleaned crappie under house in crawl you don't smell the mice when they die!!!!
SNAKES Spur, and lots of 'em. Rattlers and copperheads will quickly end the infestation, and keep you on your toes too! I'd suggest one per room and a nest under the house.emoBigsmile emoBigsmile
EricM - 4/19/2008 9:54 AM SNAKES Spur, and lots of 'em. Rattlers and copperheads will quickly end the infestation, and keep you on your toes too! I'd suggest one per room and a nest under the house.</p>

<font color="#ff0066" size="4">I will put a big AMEN to this suggestion.........I think Eric has hit the nail on the head......FA</font></p>
EricM - 4/19/2008 9:54 AM SNAKES Spur, and lots of 'em. Rattlers and copperheads will quickly end the infestation, and keep you on your toes too! I'd suggest one per room and a nest under the house.emoBigsmile emoBigsmile

beetlespin - 4/17/2008 1:32 PM

A good tom cat works pretty good.

I had the same problem when my and I owned a little farm in Soddy Daisy. They came from everywhere and we could not kill them or stop them. We got a cat, I don't think she ever killed one but they stopped coming in our house.

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