how long will shiners live????????

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Nov 23, 2007
how long will shiners live in my minnow bucket? i have some in the bed of my truck leftover from last thursday, so far none have died but i need to keep them until wed. should i feed them somthing or what? any tips on keeping them alive for a couple more days
Change out their water supply and if you use city water, buy some of the water conditioner at wallyworld that you use in an aquarium, it comes in a yellow bottle. You need to use just a bit, go by the directions on the bottle.
I have a cheap air pump that I bought at w.. mart in the pet center, have kept them alive for a week or longer if it's not Hot. emoAngel
They will eat the goldfish flake food from walmart too. Just give them a very small amount each day or so. If you happen to keep them for more than a month their fins will turn kinda orange from the food.
I used to feed tuffies to my Oscars (which is a very bad thing to do but I did not know any better) and some lived to a rip old age. The tuffies that survived lived for about a year and grew to about 6-7 inches. The males develop nots on their head and dig a round nest in the gravel. They never did spawn in my tank that I could tell. They did not die, I just got rid of them. Kept in clean water with food I would think you could keep bait indefintely, just keep in mind the bait will get larger over time.

If you want to learn how to keep fish alive in close enviorments then I recommend you pick up a good aquarium book and read it cover to cover. You will learn a lot about how to keep bait and other fish alive without causing harm to the fish. This includes fish in live wells.
Doc1 - 1/7/2008 8:40 PM

Change out their water supply and if you use city water, buy some of the water conditioner at wallyworld that you use in an aquarium, it comes in a yellow bottle. You need to use just a bit, go by the directions on the bottle.

Or if your cheap like me 1 drop of hydrogen peroxide will remove chlorine in 5 gallons of water .

AND water left in a bucket (with no lid) for 24 hours will lose all of its chlorine.
came home today to find a bucket of mostly dead minnows. next time i just won't try to keep them. would rather buy more next trip than have to dump out dead ones. man do they start to stink fast
since yours are dead you probably won't read this but, but we keep them two weeks in an old fridge, no problem. it's like they hibernate.
the bigger the tank, the easier it is to keep good water quality. good water quality will you keep them for a long time. Also avoid rapid temperature changes (say dumping a warm minnow bucket into a cold tank).
If they start to die on you, you may have too many in a small space, thin them out or get a larger tank. An average minnow bucket will keep a couple dozen ok. Put the bucket in the fridge or keep it outside where it will stay cold.