oh hell lets see if i can remember them all:
14' john boat with a 5.5hp Evinrude, ran all over lake murray sc in it, i was 20yrs old and still in the Army
1989 Stratos 201, 200GT Evinrude
1994 Stratos 201, 150hp FastStrike Johnson, swapped it for a 225 Johnson
2001 Skeeter ZX225, 225 OX66 Yamaha(first and LAST Yamaha!), only brand new boat ive ever purchased.
2004 Skeeter ZX225, 225 Mercury Optimax(was Jack Wade's boat for the Classic down in LA)
1991 Stratos 195, 225 Mercury Opti, one of the best boats ive ever owned!
1998 Skeeter zx202c, 200 Mercury Opti, sentimental fav, hull died when i jumped a log with it, smh, last pic
2000 Stratos 200ProXL, 225 Mercury Opti
2010 Phoenix 721, 250 Mercury Opti........Great boat.
1995 Stratos 201, 250 Mercury Opti....my first attempt at rehabbing a boat, totally took this boat apart and put it all back together,1st and 4th pic
2003(i think) Skeeter zx210c, 225 Opti, rehabbed this boat, was the boat i owned when i moved to Chickamauga
2000 Gambler Intimdator(2000), 250 Opti....my first G and i was hooked, 2nd pic
2004 Skeeter zx250, 250 Opti..went back to Skeeter for rear storage for co-anglers.....DUMB!!!!
2010 Gambler 2100, 250 Opti
2000 Gambler 2200, 225efi Mercury
2002 Gambler 2200, 250 Opti...........current boat and i dont see me getting rid of her anytime soon, 3rd pic
1996 Gambler 209SC, 225 Opti
2004 Gambler 2100, 225 efi that i swapped for a 250 opti
1991 Stroker, in the shop/works as we speak, will likely get a 250 Opti
yes, i like boats and working on them, driving them and of course fishing out of them