How old do you think he is?

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Well-known member
Jun 5, 2008
Charleston TN
I have never seen this deer with my own eyes. Have only caught him on game cameras at night. Seems to be completely nocturnal. The rack is screwed up from some sort of injury. Just looking at the body how old do you think he is? Same Buck in all three pictures.




The straight line on the underside indicates he has not developed the large chest area of a more mature deer. I say that deer is a juvenile Buck that has a great base to be a real trophy. The length of the tines and the overall shape, shows that this deer has good genetics. If you are in a controlled area where some Yahoo may not shoot him, I would without question allow him to walk. I would be putting a feeder out and feed him all summer to help him gain some mass in his antlers. I say he is at most 2 1/2 yrs.</p>

The more I look at that buck I see it as being a very good early birth 1 1/2 The base formation where the antlers grow straight up and the appearance that the Eye-guards actually fork shows early development in a small deer</p>
To me this is a 2.5 year old no more. He has the potential to be a true giant if let walk for at least a couple more years. He has a straight back and no big belly to indicate a older buck. I have seen almost 40 bucks this year and took a great buck in KY a couple of weeks ago. If you put this deer off limits and can keep him on your property there is no telling how big he might get. Put out some type of minerial block to help him get what he needs to develop his bones and horns. We have use trophy rock fr the past 5 years and can see a great improvment in the size of the horns on the bucks that travel our property. Big racks only come with age. I had the taxidermest that is doing my deer that most deer never reach there potential because they are not left to reach the age of 4.5-6.5 years. Most are killed when they are 2.5 years old. Deer do not reach maturity till at least 4.5 years old there bodies are still growning so most of the proten and minerials go to the bones in the body not the horns. So with age comes the horns that all hunters dream of.
Straight back and no sag in the stomach. Horns lack mass and character in bases. I have understood that some deer are nocturnal by nature, no matter the age or pressure... also, antler size reaches maximum growth at about 6 1/2 years old.

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