Buy an OBD II code reader for less than $100.00 on the internet.
Have some friends share the cost.
Download free OBD II software from the internet.
Hook it up to you car with your laptop in the Eastgate parking lot.
Clear the codes which will turn off the check engine light.
Go through the emissions test station. If you pass you didn't really have a problem just a false code.
Often as not the problem is with the sensor. No sense in paying two or three hundred dollars to replace a sensor if the city is going to test with their sensors every 12 months.
My catalytic converter went bad and the heat killed the sensor. I replaced the converter with a brand new one but there was no sense in buying a new sensor too. The car wouldn't last long enough to kill another converter.
Have some friends share the cost.
Download free OBD II software from the internet.
Hook it up to you car with your laptop in the Eastgate parking lot.
Clear the codes which will turn off the check engine light.
Go through the emissions test station. If you pass you didn't really have a problem just a false code.
Often as not the problem is with the sensor. No sense in paying two or three hundred dollars to replace a sensor if the city is going to test with their sensors every 12 months.
My catalytic converter went bad and the heat killed the sensor. I replaced the converter with a brand new one but there was no sense in buying a new sensor too. The car wouldn't last long enough to kill another converter.