How would you rate your duck season??

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Jul 19, 2007
Soddy daisy TN
This was my first year seriously hunting ducks around here so it was a lot of trial and error. It was tough for sure compared to what Im use to growing up hunting the great lakes. But from what I am hearing its been tough all over the US and harvest numbers are expected to be way down based upon the duck numbers that were predicted for this season. As far as numbers I know most complain but I saw plenty off birds to keep things interesting, just didnt kill like I should have when the opportunity was there. I will be in better shape as far as locations to hunt next year, and I plan on hunting some of the bigger water in Alabama next year. My sixth month old Black Lab is coming along nicely for his age and he will be ready to roll next year. Havent had a duck dog in 8 years and Im excited to get him going. Planning a 10 day hunt in Florida for sea ducks with some buddies from my old home town, December cant come soon enough.
Well since this was my first year ever duck hunting I rate mine as a 9.2 outa 10. Only got to go a few times, and seen a ton of ducks, killed a few very nice ducks, and spent some time with friends that are a hoot to be around. Can't wait till next year to do it again, maybe I will have a duck boat and get to go more often. Man I cannot wait!!!!
Avid hunter myself. But this year I never went one time. It wasn't until the last week did we have any birds show up. Looking back on the season it has been one of my most satisfing seasons to date.
I'm no expert but have duck hunted for 15 years or so, this has got to be one of the worst seasons I've had, personally and in our lease on Guntersville. Very few ducks early, when they did show up everything froze and they left. Best day was last Sat and i overslept cause the electricity went off... emoBang
Gald you asked. This the first yr for me to duck hunt. I am very blessed to work for a man that thought it would be fun to go out to Stuttgart,AR all expense paid to duck hunt not once but twice we did go and had a great time loved it. We liked it so much we bought a 2072 AW flat bottom I have been working this week on mounting a blind on it, the boat has a 40 merc four stroke tiller right now we will probably be ordering a Gatortail Mud Motor at the end of the wk. With all that being said the only thing that would make it better is if I was upper mgt. for AIG and getting one of those big bounses. Can't wait till next duck season. Oh forgot I also got a Winchester SX3 12 gauge sweet shooting gun love it.
It was ok I have done better. I did meet some good guys this year and hunted some new ways. I can't wait till next year I found a good hole kinda late in the year and didn't get to hunt it cause we had so much water. We got some new plans for some hunting next year.

Inthebox If yall are wanting sea ducks I can reccomend a good guide in Va. I went up and hunted the yr before last and we smoked them. The guide worked hard to get us the ducks we wanted and then some. I have never hunted Fl but I do know they get a bunch of ringers and blue bills.
This year was NOTHING like last year. Expectations were very high, to say the least, so we got let down pretty hard. We did find a new spot on the river, but it gets beat down pretty good too, so the search will continue fornew areas to hunt next year. We have a 2 acre farm pond that we've worked for several years now, and has traditionally attracted grey ducks early and greenheads late...I didn't kill a single mallard off it this year. To sum it up, I can count on both hands how many I shot this year! Hopefully better next year...
was a decent year hunted 40 + days... My group killed close to 100 birds.. two trips to ark ( didn't do good out there probe only 20 birds)... best day was 15 between 3 of us with a Jack miner band.. So yes great year had better success off the river tho... Saw more birds in years past
My first duck hunt was on Chickamauga Lake in 1969, which means this was my my 40th duck season. emoEek

It was the worst duck season I've ever experienced. In spite of good conditions, lots of water and serious cold, we had relatively few ducks. I am baffled and have grave fears that large scale changes that we will never fully understand are changing waterfowl migration patterns. Of course we have always known that East TN and North AL are far out of the primary migration route... but based on my experience, it's getting worse. I am desperately hoping I am bad wrong!

That said, for those who are willing to work, there are ducks to be killed.

Part of the reason(s) for my poor duck season are my fault, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. When I was a younger man I would burn the wheels off the truck or spin the prop off the boat looking for ducks. I generally hunted a minimum of 20 days a season... often as much as 40 days a season. I would hunt in the morning and then scout all afternoon searching for the next day's hunting spot. There were probably no more ducks in the area at times then, than there was this year. But if there were any ducks anywhere, we went and found them!

I don't do that anymore. I go to the basic, historically decent spots I've hunted... or go along with friends wherever they want to go... and simply hope the ducks will come to us.

That is not the way to be consistently successful killing ducks in Southeast TN or North AL. It requires work. Those willing to do the work will reap the rewards.
Excellent post. Do you believe that the liberal season format that we have had for the last 10 years, 6 and 60, has had an impact on overall population numbers? I firmly believe that the spring and summer counts are incorrect and created to keep the liberal season format. There is entirely to much money to be lost by the gov't and private industry with a shortened season and bag limits.
It seems to me everything in nature is cyclic meaning populations rise and fall, birds seem to be on the more extreme side of the scale. I feel we are actually in a low swing in the overall duck numbers.
Along with my percieved lower duck population I also feel the migration habits are changing as well. Refuge's , no-till farming and a decade of lower than usual snowfall up north all have a effect on the migration of our beloved duck.
I personally would like to see the federal season framework actually work the way it was designed based on more accurate spring and summer pond counts.
I personally feel that food sources are playing a major role in migration. In the early 90's when the zebra mussels entered the great lakes it changed for ever the Diver hunting. I can guarentee right now in the Niagra River area around Buffalo New York there are thousands upon thousands of bluebills, cans, goldeneys, redheads, and all kinds of seaducks. Reason they have a food source in the zebra mussels. Those ducks have no reason to migrate as the area has open water year round. THats all over the great lakes. It was never like that when I was just a kid hunting with my dad on lake ontario. In florida the bluebill shoots in Tampa Bay in the late 80's were world class, thats not the case anymore. I can remember driving the bridges over tampa bay at Christmas time and have my dad pull over freaking out and look at all the Bills on the bay, thousands, its not like that anymore.

Around here it seems food sources are the main reasons the ducks dont stay. (JMO). What food source holds the ducks on Chickamauga? If we had one I feel we would have more ducks JMO. THey arrive here and are quick to leave. Tons of birds one day, nothing the next. All the literature I have read on duck migration says that weather is less of determining factor than most think. Shortness of the days is what stimulates birds to migrate more so than weather. Cold fronts help move birds, but if they have open water, and food why would they leave. Just some food for thought
mallardecho - 2/4/2010 10:29 AM

Excellent post. Do you believe that the liberal season format that we have had for the last 10 years, 6 and 60, has had an impact on overall population numbers? I firmly believe that the spring and summer counts are incorrect and created to keep the liberal season format. There is entirely to much money to be lost by the gov't and private industry with a shortened season and bag limits.
It seems to me everything in nature is cyclic meaning populations rise and fall, birds seem to be on the more extreme side of the scale. I feel we are actually in a low swing in the overall duck numbers.
Along with my percieved lower duck population I also feel the migration habits are changing as well. Refuge's , no-till farming and a decade of lower than usual snowfall up north all have a effect on the migration of our beloved duck.
I personally would like to see the federal season framework actually work the way it was designed based on more accurate spring and summer pond counts.

Short answer, "No."

I don't think the liberal season has any impact. It is well documented that hunters kill roughly 15% of the overall duck population in any given year. That is well below the number it takes to maintain a healthy population with current habitat conditions.

I think the big issue is historic changes in localized migration patterns (emphasis on "localized"). When I started hunting Chickamauga in 1969, if we killed a single mallard it was considered a GREAT day!

Beginning in mid-to-late 70's, milfoil came on the scene in Chickamauga & Nickajack. Duck numbers climbed and climbed, especially gadwalls (that love milfoil). In the late 70's and early 80's, we killed hundreds and hundreds of gadwalls on Chickamauga and Nickajack. It was a slaughter. A few years we had the point system and gadwalls were 10-point ducks. We stacked 'em up like cord wood... and as East Tenn. waterfowlers, we got horribly spoiled in the process.

The milfoil die-off came. The Chickamauga ducks left with the milfoil Some milfoil remains on Nickajack, however a lakeshore housing boom began. There are now houses sitting on most of my old favored Nickajack duck hunting haunts. There is a wintertime bass fisherman sitting on most of the others.

Over time ducks quit wintering here... and young juvenile ducks learn from their parents. When their parents quit coming here, the youngsters don't even realize the Tennessee Valley even exists.

Combine that localized issue with the bigger picture of warm winters and it's a recipe for duck disaster. That's why I don't think significant numbers of ducks found us this year, in spite of good weather conditions. The younger birds have simply learned to migrate elsewhere.

I believe it will take multiple years of optimum conditions for them to find us again.

Footnote: All of the above is in regards to East Tenn. Comparing what happens here versus what happens in West Tenn. and Arkansas in regard to duck migration is comparing apples and oranges. We live in two completely different waterfowl worlds. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
So everyone believes there are just as many if not more birds this year as 10 years ago and as 40 years ago? If that is the case where do they go? I have no "Scientific" proof but everyone I have talked to in several states have had decreasing yearly kill numbers for the last 5-10 years. The states are not confined to the south. Food changes and agricultural pratices have changed as well I agree, but I still think overall numbers aren't what they say they are.
Went to arkansas twice... Hunted public land and private. The public land is where i saw the most saw over 5000 birds on two sittings and only killed one.. thus being that the birds want on private land that was 100 yards away from us . A local at the ramp was telling us how up north their wma's and refuges keep two thirds of the crop farmers get one third as in TN we only get one third for refuges and the farmers two thirds. Duck hunting this year was so so i never saw the huge flocks of migrants on the river. But i know we get them but just not in the mass numbers like everyone else. Im on 19 but this was my third year. I did invest a lot of time on the river getting permission to private land... The band I killed this year was an 08 JACK MINER band " YE MUST OBEY GOD " For the hours sleeping in my truck being the first one to a ma. It was time well worth it and next year i know ill be out there just has hard cause there is nothing like seeing a pair of ducks work perfectly in to your spread...
A Jack Miner band is a great trophy. I killed a mallard with a Miner band back in 2002 I think. It had part of Revelation 14:7, "fear God and give Him glory." I have the bird mounted and hanging in my office. They sent me a great packet with tons of info about the duck, when it was banded, and how many other birds were banded along with the duck I killed. It's definitely one of my favorite trophies!

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