How's this for a report???? 12/22/2006

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Feb 5, 2023
2Jigs and I have been talking about going winter bass'n for a while so I called him yesterday and made a date for today. The plan was to meet at 8 at the Wolf. Got up at 6:30 and it was pouring.emoBang I started to get ready and was thinking this was one day I felt it would be better to stay home.emoRolleyes About that time the phone rang and it was 2jigs telling me what I was thinking. We canceled the trip and I am staying home looking for fishing shows on the tube to see how it is done.emoBigsmile Jmax

If it clears I may go out later. I really didn't want to mess up my hair.emoLaugh (NOT!!!!)
RE: How's this for a report????

Well Jmax, you two have better sense than me, I'm leaving right now for Gville. I wanted to get below Nick. dam but thet are not generating til 8pmemoBang
RE: How's this for a report????

<font color="#6600ff">Sounds like to me that two (2) highly intelligent, handsome men have made the best decision possible.  I know about getting your hair wet..can't do a thing with it...hahahaha
RE: How's this for a report????

Flip .. you are T Ruly a fishing warrior if I ever saw one! It's down right nasty outside .. I'm staying home and keeping warm and dry.

Besides .. I got baking to do! emoParty

I don't ever worry about getting hair wet. emoUpsmile emoUpsmile Real fishermen endure every kind of weather. emoBigsmile JK. Smart fishermen cancel trips when it is pouring rain in the wintertime.emoWorthy Desperate fishermen break ice to get a boat launched to go Crappie fishing. (me)emoBang
Wannabe fishermen watch videos.emoTongue Hungry fishermen go when necessary.emoHungry Boy scout fishermen always go prepared.emoRain
Merry Christmas to all my fishermen/fishergals who have enriched my life this year. Hope we have many more tales to share in the future.emoGeezer
RE: How's this for a report????

flip1up - 12/22/2006 9:11 AM

Well Jmax, you two have better sense than me, I'm leaving right now for Gville. I wanted to get below Nick. dam but thet are not generating til 8pmemoBang

Flip, My son and I would be below Nickajack tonight too if I did not have this flu bug that's going around...Hopefully next week I'll be able to get back on the water.
I went after all.emoParty It cleared off at my house about 11:30 and I had just watched Bill Dance catching a load of big bass in the winter so I had to try it. Called 2jigs and he said,"Meet ya there." We got on the water a little after 12. Hit a couple spots without hooking a thing and finally on a bluff in the main river I heard 2jigs gunt and say,"There's one!" It was the first of the day and was a nice LM about 4 lbs.emoTongue It hit his hair jigs he likes so much in the winter. We hit another area and nothing. Finally hit a flat and we kept getting hits but could not hook up. We were running out of time and I said let's move again. Headed out to a ledge by the islands I like to fish and 2jigs hooked up and caught number two of the day about 2 lbs. It seemed I could not hook one even though I had a couple nice hits, one of which got my whole worm.
Finally with an hour to go we headed out to the wolf in the main lake and started jigging a spoon. We started nailing little yellow bass and we must have put at least a dozen of those in the boat. I told him we had better go and would fish just a few more minutes and "Bang". Fish on! It was a LM so I fianlly got a bass other then a yellow in the baot with only about five minutes left.emoThumbsup

Overall a nice day and it only misted rain on us the time we were out there, very nice time on the water and 2jigs was great company. He took a picture of the 4lber but I do not know if he plans to post it.emoCool Jmax
DHaun, now I wish I had waited til tonight to go below the dam. It was pretty dead today with no water movement. Last Sat. night my brother and I went out about 5 pm til around midnight I guess it was. We didnt do worth a crap, wasnt even worth a report. I hate to wish it on us but I want some 30 degree weather to get the Winter bite in full swing.
I messed up my hair alright, the hair on my jig.emoUpsmile As usual you were great company Jmax. I had a great time & look foward to the next time we go. And I hate to admit it but I'm with you Flip I'm feady for some cold weather to help these big fish get going. And to anyone who ever gets the chance to fish with either Jmax or Flip1up, DO IT you will not regret it. I would give DrumKing a plug but my guess is his schedule is full untill some time around June.emoGeezer Hows my hair?emoUpsmile
rsimms - 12/22/2006 8:30 PM

I went duck hunting. And yes, I did mess up my hair. emoRain

You are just bragging about all that hair, Richard. Hair isn't everything. Actually I once had a lot of hair, but late growth caused my head to grow out of my hair. Now it just comes out my ears, on top of my nose, and various other places that I don't need to describe.

There are many benefits to not having a lot of hair. For one, I save a lot on haircuts. I just bought some dog shears and do my own now. It only takes a minute to clip the 3 that I have. emoBigsmile I never waste time in the morning trying to get the part right and every hair in place. One quick swipe with a washrag and I'm good to go.emoUpsmile I never have to worry about running down the lake at full speed and having my hair blow all over the place. I am now a candidate for the Mr Clean commercials, but I haven't been discovered yet.

Good Lord willing, though, I want to take you guys fishing next year and maybe I can learn a little bit more about different techniques for catching fish. Don't anybody invite me to go on a all day trip though. You can, but I will fish just half the time and the other half I'll watch you. LOLemoGeezer

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