Humminbird Finder GPS Combo setup.

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Mar 30, 2007
Ok Guys, I think this is the right forum to post this question in. If not please let me know and I'll be happy to make adjustments for the future.

My father in law has two Humminbird 787 with the internal GPS antenna. He currently has one of these mounted on the boat near the console. He also got the Navionics GPS card for Christmas but, only has one card. He also has the Weather Since Barometric pressure sensor to install.

Our question is concerning the best way to install both units and the Weather Since. Is it possible to install both units so they can use the same transducer? I found a diagram on Humminbirds website that shows two units hooked to the same transducer with a switch but, I couldn't find anything showing both units running at the same time. We are also wondering if there is a way to hook both units together so we can view the Navionics maps and any waypoints we put in on both units. Do you think we need two Navionics cards?

Any insight or help you guys can give would be appreciated.
Go to the Yahoo group and search for "Side Imaging" (unofficial site except the guy Doug works for Humminbird). Post your message , someone will respond. My uneducated answer is you can network both computers, the are NMEA compatible. The device you are looking for is the "interlink" (Humminbird site, accesories). I don't believe you can share the navionics details, but way points should be sharable.
