I went with my pops and one of his friends on a hunt i have never been on, a hog and deer hunt. I was going to a place that i had never been and was not to fond of because of the bear population. we had arrived pretty early and had a long walk as they chuckled. I thought that they might be playin but obviously not. About 45 mins later and thankfully i dont take stands on hunts to new areas on the first trip. we arrived to the first persons stand area. and here i go again. twenty mins later i am told here is your spot and it is just breaking daylight, and i climb up on the side of a ridge that is pretty steep and set up near a laydown. about two hours later after a few rounds of rattling and so on i hear the biggest comotion i have ever heard running through the woods and i was thinking here comes the big one the mighty ten+ pointer, the noise slowed down and i seen something move with the sun in my face. WOW a huge hog............NOT!!!! A huge bear would like to say that was the closest i have ever been to a wild bear and that is the closest i ever wanna be again unless i am hunting them. he was huge i would guess and say he was around 300-375 in weight and moving closer and closer every second and then all of a sudden he turns and walks the other way. was a great morning we had hogs all around just not in plain sight and that great bear that i would loved to of had a pic of less than 40 yards from me cant wait to go again.