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Well-known member
May 24, 2006
I was wondering if anyone knows about and how to make the small sweet hushpuppies? I was in Tybee and hilton head and have always had the little quarter sized sweet fried huspuppies with the sweet cream. But I have yet to figure out how to make them
Try the zatarans or paul prudhome mixes at wally world, if they need to be sweetened, add some sugar.
We were there last Spring, but missed the little sweet hushpuppies.

BUT...since we're on the subject, try these some time:

1-1/2 cup cornmeal
1-1/2 cup BisQuick
1 egg
1 baseball-size sweet onion diced (I like mine big)
4 oz. whole-kernel corn, drained
1/4 cup finely diced jalepenos
2 Tsp Splenda (sugar would probably work)
12 oz. of the cheapest beer that you can find

Thouroughly mix the dry ingredients in a mixing bowl, then add the onion, corn, and peppers and mix again. then the egg and beer. Cover the bowl with a plate and let it set on the counter for about an hour so it will "rise" just a little. I use a tablespoon to dip them about the size of a golf-ball. Cook 'em golden brown, and have at it. I ate a double-handful of them last night!

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