I am officaly old!

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Just a bit of advise (take it or leave it) When our son got his liscence, we made him drive a year before any of his friends could ride with him. When he asked why we told him, one teenage driver is stupid, two are three times as dumb! What kinda car should we be looki'n out for anyway?
Been there... done that. emoGoofy Glad I'm past it.

First daughter was GREAT! She's about to turn 27 and has still never had an accident... only one ticket for something dumb.

It didn't take daughter #2 long however to get up close and personal with a guard rail on Big Ridge Rd. because, as she said, "My brakes didn't work!" emoBadLanguage And I really couldn't fuss because I did about the same thing a few weeks after to receiving my license to endanger others on the highway.

Here's an odd one... last year daughter #2 rear-ended somebody (I believe as she was trying to send a text message to her boyfriend). However the person she rear-ended (hard!)... drove off! emoScratch

I'm sure they either had no license, or no insurance... or outstanding warrants. But if she had to hit someone I suppose that was the one to hit (in spite of $1,000 damage to her car).
I'm famous for something one month after I got my license.

I rolled down my window, spit out the window, and crashed into a telephone pole. I'm still reminded by some old buddies
I turned 16 got my learners, mom went out on date , she of course left her keys , I had 3 friends over, lets get some BEER!!! .. ya man that would be GREAT!!! .. but gee we live 15 miles to nearest store , how we gonna get there ? .. then the light came on !.. get moms keys drive to store come straight home , she will never even know we where gone! GReat IDEA! .. so we leave, had no probs .. oh wait there is a dance at the high school lets go cruise by , that will be so cool, girls will be impressed seein us drive up !.. Ok Sean lets do that they said .. .. so we cruise by .. chase a few skirts .. head back home still way before mom would be home.. we leave to go get the beer to take home, on the way to the store .. I take the SHORT CUT! .. Really sharp turn about like the W road , was going to fast for the turn, got off in the gravel .. cut it too hard .. then proceeded to see coming right at me a Tractor Trailer! , I jerked hard to the right .. but was too late .. I hit him in the gas tank, . needles to say car was destroyed .. looked like an accordion!

No was was badly hurt, but I did get 2 broke ribs, and cut my head pretty good..

I didnt drive till I was 18 after that lil ride !

Moral of this story .. dont leave home and leave the keys to your car at home with 4 teen boys! .. as matter of fact my son will be lucky if he is allowed to drive at all unless Im with him till he is 18 lol
Yep, I feel your pain.. the young one and you are in my prayers.

5 years, 4 cars and lots of prayers later, my oldest daughter just turned 21 with 2 years of safe driving!! Feels like a 12 step program of some type. emoLaugh We thank the Lord for sparing her and everyone else on the road from injuries during those first 3 years. Sure hurt both our wallets and as well as her ego.

Now the second punch to feeling old... I got my AARP card in the mail this week. emoGeezer
I feel the pain, The car should be ready monday from the body shop.(Thank you LORD ,nobody was hurt) emoThanks
dragfish - 2/27/2009 5:34 PM Just a bit of advise (take it or leave it) When our son got his liscence, we made him drive a year before any of his friends could ride with him. When he asked why we told him, one teenage driver is stupid, two are three times as dumb! What kinda car should we be looki'n out for anyway?

They cant have any non-family teensin the car by law now, great law!</p>