I am thankful

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For this day and all it will bring. I am thankful for the country we live in that we have the freedom to express our thankfulness to God and our fellow man. I am thankful for family and friends, especially the great friendships I have experienced here on the CFF. I am thankful for the many blessings that God pours out on my undeserving self every day. Thankful that God's mercies are new everyday. Thankful that God made a way for me to join Him in glory one day. I am thankful most of all for Jesus who gave up his home in glory to come to this world to save me and any and everyone that allows Him to.
I am thankful today and everyday for all the good things in life. All of which come from a gracious heavenly Father. Without Him I am nothing.

Happy Thanks giving CFF
I am thankful we have a forgiving God, my family, friends, our wonderful resources, and my health. I want to thank our Men and Women in and out of this Country who serve to protect us so we can enjoy all the above. I Wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving.
I am thankful for God and his son Jesus, my family and friends, for having the opportunity to live in this Great Nation, for our Men and Women who have paid the ultimate sacrifice and to those who continue to serve this country. I am thankful for my job and pray for those that have lost or been layed off from their jobs. Happy Thanksgiving to ALL.
I am thankful for God and his great mercies that he shares with us everyday. I am thankful for a wonderful wife of over 27 yrs that has put up with me and still wants to be beside me. I am thankful for a preciuos daughter that God has so graciouslly entrusted to us to raise and hopefully we won't let him down.
I am especially grateful for our soldiers wherever they may be, that is giving us the freedom to have a day of thanksgiving. Thankful for a country that no matter where we are we are free to serve the religious beliefs we hold dear and can express our concern and love for our fellow man without having to worry about being threatened by it. And I am thankful for our large family of friends we have here, who when in times of need always has an encouraging word for us or a shoulder to lean on. Thanks to everyone here and may God richly bless you each and everyone!!!!
<font face="comic sans ms,sand" color="#ff0033" size="4">ALL OF THE ABOVE HAVE HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD..... we are so blessed....thanks, Cheez for starting this.....</font></p>

<font face="comic sans ms,sand" color="#ff0033" size="4">as for special friends???? I am really thankful for the Madbomber and Drumking....they are my guides and fashion coordinators. just thought I would throw that in for luck........FAemoGeezer </font></p>
I am thankful for relationships. First of all with my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. I am thankful that he knows me and that I know him. I am thankful for a wonderful family, wife, daughters, sons-in-laws, grandchildren, and now 2 great grandchildren. I am thankful for precious friends who have added so much to my life. I am thankful for all the relationships that have been developed thru the CFF family.

I am thankful for the men and women who serve our country, either by elected office or by military sacrifices.

I am thankful for struggles in life for without them, we would never come to the purpose that God has intended for us.

I am thankful for temptations, tests, trials for without them, our faith would never grow.

I am especially thankful that the Lord has delivered me from man-centered religion.

In everything, give thanks for this is the will of God concerning us.

And I am especially fond of Fat Albert and Madbomber and thank God for their faithfulness and compassion to others.

Amen to all above. I am thankful for My Father, His Son, and His Holy Spirit. Without them nothing is possible. I am thankful for my family, health, country, friends, and all the other blessing I have been given. Life is truly precious and amazing.</p>


I am also so thankful for the Tennessee River, which has meant so much for me my entire life.</p>
Thank you John for for starting this thread, I have griped alot lately, I need to say I am thankful For God His Son Jesus, and for the Cross for without it i would have never been forgiven for all my messed up past, i dont blame anyone but myself !! But I thank God for the forgivness of all my sins, I wasnt raised in church, and have a way's to go, God is still being worked on me. Thanks for my family, Thanks For the People that encourage me every time A PM COMES, OR A REPLY TO A POST, I am thankful for all the help and Freindship I have found here.!
Love from our Family to Yours, and to anyone that has lost someone WE ALL LOVE YOU we are your family
James C. J. JC