I guess a new thread topic, bass boat material, which is best?

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Jul 6, 2009
Cleveland, TN
I was wanting to buy a BB from the mid to late 80's for the price, which you get what you pay for, but since I have the cash and have the patience, I wanted to pick the best of several I've seen. I undersand the advantages and disadvantages between Alum. and glass. But boat designs in glass vary alot. So if I went with the "fancy" ones, I'm not sure about which is best to have. I mean if one has no wood, but cracks and then you have to repair both glass and foam..I dunno. I guess I just need some good construction articles. I always thought Rangers was the best, cuz Billy D. stood on one with the sides cut out when I was growing up. But I don't know for a life long investment and something I wanna do myself if glass-n-wood is better or glass-comp or just get a H. Gorrilla Alum. or built in tank vs external. I guess I'm trying to be to picky. But thanks guys, I just want to pick your more experienced brains. Especially if anybody works at a restoration center. I am a gearhead, but that runs on asphalt. Thanks again
My fav boats from mid 80s .. not bullet.. just didnt like the lay out then .. Hydra Sports, Shadow, Ranger, and Sprint Boats .. Both Shadow and Bullets are a real bear to rebuild if you have rotted transom and or stringers.. But for shear speed Shadows are fast hard to come by .. there a shadow for sale on Dayton Pike in Soddy Daisy but way over priced, and has rotted transom.

Sprints are not very common here that Ive seen, but the ones I have seen are well laid out and well built

If I was unsure about what brand etc .. Id check out the Bass Boat Central website .. and go to each manufactures forum they have lots of pics .. and info on each brand
I vote for Allison. Best ride out there and dont crack like the others. My 87 xtb21 had less stress cracks than most late model Bullets. I had a 89 Bullet loved the way if fished but i was rough riding. I also had a Ranger and like it alot but for me its Allison hads down. Oh and mid 80's is no problem.
Thanks guys for the help..I see there are is a lot of experience here. And when I do find that one, this place will be an excellent resource. I'm not intimidated by learning to do some basic repair and motor work. I just want to start with a good canvas. I looked at three boats today. The better of the three was an 87 Stott Craft. Clear coat was just dull, and carpet wore, but no cracks or chips. Eveything seem ok. Just seemed a little small at 15' and a little high at $2900 for the year and 40hp Evinrude. But what do I know. I'm a novie. I guess I just keep looking at boats in this price range to get a feel of the market. Thanks again. Nice restoration pics to NRG_BigFish. Could learn a ton from you and worth paying for a class.
Dont offer classes .. your welcome to drop by anytime .. ask all the questions you want .. dumb looks are free, answers are 10.00 .. correct answers 100.00 emoLaugh emoLaugh

Allison's my be great boats but to me they are butt ugly .. Norris Craft blah

My fav boat brands looks wise are Hydra sport, Bullet, Blazer ( copy of bullet ) , Ranger, Shadow, Sprint, Pro Craft, Bumble Bee( now B-Line) Pheonix, also like Bass Cats .. but most of these I like better after 1993 .. but with bass boats to me its more about how its built, and layout of the boat.
You haven't seen the right Allison. The XB-21's are gorgious boats. You won't find a better built boat either. Sprints don't have a very good reputation. If I'm going to fish I will keep my Ally.
beetlespin - 7/11/2009 8:02 PM

You haven't seen the right Allison. The XB-21's are gorgious boats. You won't find a better built boat either. Sprints don't have a very good reputation. If I'm going to fish I will keep my Ally.

bigj1972 - 7/9/2009 7:23 PM

I was wanting to buy a BB from the mid to late 80's for the price, which you get what you pay for, but since I have the cash and have the patience, I wanted to pick the best of several I've seen. I undersand the advantages and disadvantages between Alum. and glass. But boat designs in glass vary alot. So if I went with the "fancy" ones, I'm not sure about which is best to have. I mean if one has no wood, but cracks and then you have to repair both glass and foam..I dunno. I guess I just need some good construction articles. I always thought Rangers was the best, cuz Billy D. stood on one with the sides cut out when I was growing up. But I don't know for a life long investment and something I wanna do myself if glass-n-wood is better or glass-comp or just get a H. Gorrilla Alum. or built in tank vs external. I guess I'm trying to be to picky. But thanks guys, I just want to pick your more experienced brains. Especially if anybody works at a restoration center. I am a gearhead, but that runs on asphalt. Thanks again

Here you go man, you be the judge.

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