I see I have my first endorsement for my presidential campaign

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Man Chris, you are the first person I have seen that actually put their real picture in their window pane under your name. Not many people know you are really napolean dynomite.
Hey...Spur is a follower, not a leader. I do believe he has learned to copy / paste!
BBass - 2/14/2008 4:43 PM Hey...Spur is a follower, not a leader. I do believe he has learned to copy / paste!

Calm down Billy, I already told him that in a PM....jeez your hyper. Do you fish like that too??
Billy, now that you have besmirched my good name, are you gonna appoligize?</p>

<span class="hw">be·smirch</span><script></script><object style="MARGIN: 3px 3px 5px" codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0" height="13" width="10" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"><param value="265" name="_cx" /><param value="344" name="_cy" /><param value="" name="FlashVars" /><param value="http://img.tfd.com/play.swf" name="Movie" /><param value="http://img.tfd.com/play.swf" name="Src" /><param value="Transparent" name="WMode" /><param value="0" name="Play" /><param value="-1" name="Loop" /><param value="High" name="Quality" /><param value="" name="SAlign" /><param value="0" name="Menu" /><param value="" name="Base" /><param value="" name="AllowScriptAccess" /><param value="ShowAll" name="Scale" /><param value="0" name="DeviceFont" /><param value="0" name="EmbedMovie" /><param value="" name="BGColor" /><param value="" name="SWRemote" /><param value="" name="MovieData" /><param value="1" name="SeamlessTabbing" /><param value="0" name="Profile" /><param value="" name="ProfileAddress" /><param value="0" name="ProfilePort" /><param value="all" name="AllowNetworking" /><param value="false" name="AllowFullScreen" /></object> <span class="pron" onmouseover="function anonymous(){return m_over('Click for pronunciation key')}" onclick="function anonymous(){pron_key()}" onmouseout="function anonymous(){m_out()}">(b
)</span> </p><div class="pseg">tr.v. be·smirched, be·smirch·ing, be·smirch·es <div class="ds-list">1. To stain; sully: <span class="illustration"><font color="#226699">a reputation that was besmirched by slander.</font></span></div><div class="ds-list">2. To make dirty; soil.</div></div>

<span class="pg" minmax_bound="true">–noun </span><table class="luna-Ent" minmax_bound="true"><tbody minmax_bound="true"><tr minmax_bound="true"><td class="dn" valign="top" minmax_bound="true">1.</td><td valign="top" minmax_bound="true">an annoying or troublesome person, animal, or thing; nuisance. </td></tr></tbody></table><table class="luna-Ent" minmax_bound="true"><tbody minmax_bound="true"><tr minmax_bound="true"><td class="dn" valign="top" minmax_bound="true">2.</td><td valign="top" minmax_bound="true">an insect or other small animal that harms or destroys garden plants, trees, etc. </td></tr></tbody></table><table class="luna-Ent" minmax_bound="true"><tbody minmax_bound="true"><tr minmax_bound="true"><td class="dn" valign="top" minmax_bound="true">3.</td><td valign="top" minmax_bound="true">a deadly epidemic disease, esp. a plague; pestilence. </td></tr></tbody></table></p>

Nope...that ought to sum it up. Amazing you can find a word online and understand the meaning but cant get a phone number or address of a local dealer...
impeach PEST! emoIdea

The problem w/ voting BS into the White House is that there's already enough 'BS' in Washington to last us all a lifetime.

BTW Spur ... I said it first, so your signature was far removed from original, but at least you went the extra mile for our candidate. Wait ... so did Monica... emoLaugh
RangerRob - 2/14/2008 6:33 PM impeach PEST! emoIdea The problem w/ voting BS into the White House is that there's already enough 'BS' in Washington to last us all a lifetime. BTW Spur ... I said it first, so your signature was far removed from original, but at least you went the extra mile for our candidate. Wait ... so did Monica... emoLaugh

Thanks so much for pointing that out Rob, as I stated I was NOT the first. I did see your buddys signature first with it, so I now stand corrected and owe all things good in life to you sir!

 I will make sure when somebody ELSE brings up my name on their own, I will check in with you first to make sure they dont credit me with something I dont deserve

Cripes, a man cant even show support for his candidate around here without catching flak!
RangerRob - 2/14/2008 6:33 PM

impeach PEST! emoIdea

The problem w/ voting BS into the White House is that there's already enough 'BS' in Washington to last us all a lifetime.

BTW Spur ... I said it first, so your signature was far removed from original, but at least you went the extra mile for our candidate. Wait ... so did Monica... emoLaugh

emoUpsmile emoUpsmile So did Monica emoUpsmile emoUpsmile