If the world ends tonight or tomorrow.

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Feb 5, 2023
With the Mayan calendar ending tomorrow I just wanted to tell everyone how great it has been knowing you all. emoBigsmile In China there is one fake forecast saying fire and brimstone for tomorrow's weather. I will be tucked away in my dooms day pod watching the TV and in case it goes out due to events I have stocked up on all the last ten years worth of fishing shows on CD's. You all sleep well tonight. emoPoke Jmax
Been nice talkin to you all. I'm ready! We never got to fish together Jmax, and no offense but tomorrow I will have a whole lot better partner than you. lol
Well....we're still here. Maybe it will happen later on today. emoEvil

and all this time I thought we would not need to worry about where Tim Tebow will go after the Jets dump him since the world was about to end. Looks like we may need to start worrying. emoTongue Jmax
emoDance We have avoided "DOOMSDAY", now, can we avoid the "PHYSCIAL CLIFF". Just think, today we are PHYSICALLY able to fish, Will we have $$$$ to support emoFish after New Year. I'm gonna gas up & fuel up 12-31-12 just so to be able to go least 1 more time before my TAXES destroy hobby.......... emoGeezer emoUSA
mmmmm, we are still here and no end in sight. emoScratch I think the guy that was hired to make the calendar must have got fired and was not able to go any further with it. Either that or the guy may have died, after all, he made it for all these past years.

There is a little twist, I believe the world as we know it in the U.S. ended the day Obama was re-elected. I sure hope all those Obama love'n fans like what they are going to end up with next year and many years after. emoAngry Jmax
SNUFFY - 12/21/2012 7:57 PM

Nice Holiday Spirit there JMax. Hope you have a Merry Christmas !

Yes, you are right, I apologize for the wording I used in my description. emoRolleyes I changed it up some to not sound as harsh. My point was that things are going to change, I do not believe it will be for the better. emoDoh We shall see as we go.

O'merry Christmas everyone!

By the way, it is 12/22/13 and we are all still here. Looks like we survived another dooms day. ;) Jmax
Dang IT!!!!! The only good thing about the world ending is that O'Bummers term was ending...... Unfortunately - Along with everything else. emoBang
I never bought into it for a second.. My amigos are from Guatemala and are plannning to work next week... You know why? .........
Cause they want a paycheck... not a freeride! emoScratch
Did I mention they will outwork any of us white people (or) black folks.. we have been usurped by a culture of people who do manuel labor and are proud of the work they do and are proud enough to do it day after day..
Yo Gusta mis amigos Muchos! emoUSA