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Feb 5, 2023
The roads are really getting bad. I just got home myself and must have passed a dozen wrecks. 75 is backed up, 153 is backed up and just about every road on a hill going into a neighborhood has cars in ditches on the sides and at the bottom stuck. The roads are getting very slick and these little rear wheel drive cars cannot handle it. Ooltewah High school let out about an hour ago and saw the schools on 58 also letting out. This is turning into a real mess. emoEek Jmax
I am having to leave VW and drive all the way to Sand Mountain and try to make it up above Trenton.
I am amazed that even though this was forecasted, Chatt. and state of TN has not salted major roads. I can understand the side streets, but not salting I75, I24, Hwy 153, etc. is inexcusable.
I left the I 75 exit, Ooltewah at Clear Channel Broadcasting across from US Express at 11:30 today. I live in the Windstone Community. It usually takes me all of about 15 minutes to get to or from work. Today it took 1 hr. and 45 minutes! I was hit in the rear end in front of our offices at the red light while I was sitting still. It really didn't hurt my old Tahoe at all but my trailer hitch flat ruined the front of this girls brand new Jeep Cherokee. I told them all goodbye and left as her load of high school kids were picking up plastic, glass and other debris from the front end of her Jeep. I asked her if that Jeep had a 4 wheel drive and she answered yes. Then I told her that it would help you to go but it didn't help you to stop. She said that she didn't know that. Maybe know she does.
My daughter left the office in Ringgold at 11am this morning, had to go to Shallowford Road and pick up her daughter, then travel back home down East Brainerd Road. She got home at 6:15..............It took my wife 2.5 hours to get from Lee Hiway and 153 to our home in Ringgold, exactly 8 miles........... it is amazing how 1 inch of snow can cripple a modern metropolis.
<font size="3" face="georgia,palatino">Welcome to the world of powder snow. It is a totally different animal then the wet sticky snow we periodically experience. If it is under your shoes or your tires on a slight slope, either of which will not stop moving until it hits a level spot or something a little more permanet. Also it will not melt until temperatures reach 33 degrees. The ground underneath is frose and won'tthaw until the snow melts off. Be prepared, tomorrow will be worse then today was. The only things that can stop and go in powder are equipped with chains or studs(or snowboardsemoLaugh ). </font>
Man Cleveland was really bad .My wife left at 11:30 form work about 10 miles away then had to go by Ocoee middle school and pick our son up .The got home at 4:35 not just because of the roads but also because of wrecks and cars just stuck .There was a 17 car pile up at Paul Huff and Georgetown that had traffic backed up for miles in both directions then some of the backroads she could've took were all closed .Then her cell went dead so all of that mixed together made me a worried nervous wreck .Just glad they made it home safe and am makin them stay home tomorrow.
I left for New Orleans this morning. Made it to Trenton before snow was blowing losely on I59. Long story short we only got to Pelham Al and had to get a room for the night. All the restaurants were closed down. It took us nearly 3 hours to get from Fort Payne to here. We still have a long way to New Orleans!!!!
I had a friend leave work at 1030 yesterday morning but didn't get home until after four.
Wasn't aware of any weather issues the night before as I went to bed so early to get up by 4am. I dropped my new-to-me AWD vehicle off at S&S Auto for transmission service and throttle body cleaning after our flight departed at 8am. Someone mentioned Signal Mountain was getting snow and that it was headed our way. Started slowly but stuck to roads immediately. Got Jerry to drop me off at S&S at end of my short shift to wait there so S&S wouldn't have drive their shuttle over in the snow to pick me up. I was kinda excited to see how well my new-to-me 2002 Lexus RX300 AWD would do in these snowy conditions. It did great! Unfortunately I had to detour a couple times to avoid numerous sliding vehicles just to make it the half mile from the airport to Hwy 153. Finally made it via Shallowford Rd, and 153 was good to go as was I-75N, but Cleveland's Hwy 60 was a mess. It took an hour to make it the .3 mile to my house from exit 25. I was so glad to get home without any damage. Total time from work was 3 hours and it usually takes 25 minutes to cover those 25 miles.
When I left Fishtales at ~ 1100, traffic going east on Hwy 60 was backed up to Hopewell intersection. I went thru subdivision and got on Freewill and up to Candies lane. Cops were turning folks back at bottom of hill @ Hwy 60. I got thru because of my 4wd. It was ugly to say the least. I had absolutely no trouble getting around and back up to Lamontville. Same with coming back in yesterday.
1 inch of snow=4days of no school. I spent two days ferrying people home in the Cedar Creek subdivision. in East Brainerd. on my 4 wheeler. The cars were piled at the bottom of a hill. Scott Bailiff, Chattanooga fireman, and myself......must have taken 50 people home. Glad that I was able to help them out.
Buzz, where you assisting on Standifer Gap by the Quail Run subdivision? I live by there and had to drive through the chaos. There was someone on a 4 wheeler helping people out and also a group of people were literally pushing and guiding cars up and around the bend right there. That helped out tremendously because every time a car would spin, it would be righted in a matter of seconds because of those that were helping. My usual 15 min drive took about an hour instead of 3-4 thanks to them.
Nope, didn't get that far. But my fireman buddy, carried some home that parked at the Mapco.

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