Inboard woe's and agony.

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Apr 4, 2011
Sequatchie County
Well you know how it goes. I need to have the engine replaced in my inboard Tahoe FS, and have been looking for a good mechanic that’s willing to take the job. Currently the “4.3 MerCruiser” is bad and I need to have a new one installed. Who could you all recommend? I work in Chattanooga daily, so that may be my best option.

Thanks for the help, very much appreciated!
I would call Lyman Boleman. He is retired DuPont guy but has been working on Mercruiser's for decades and is Mercruiser certified. He is fair and honest, he works on my OMC even though he hates OMC's (he even gave me an OMC repair manual to try and get me to work on it myself). My old boat is 23 years old and is slap worn out. He has pulled the reins in on me a number of times and talked me OUT of spending money on it. </p>

"Kevin, you don't need to spend the money to put in a new trim gauge, if you're too dumb to know whether the prop is up or down you shouldn't own a boat!" </p>

Did I also mention he was blunt. emoLaugh</p>

423-510-0755 You can tell him Kevin Rogers gave you his number (although he might raise his price if he has flashbacks to my old boat).</p>
Are you located any where near Nickajack lake? I know a great mechanic @ Hales marina.

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