Inflatable Lifejacket

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Well-known member
Oct 11, 2010
Do you like them?
Do you use one?
If so which one do you use?
Do you wear it when fishing or just when running the outboard?
Yes I like mine
Use each trip and don't take off till getting in the truck
I think mine is made by mustang, but it has bass pro shops on it - the auto inflatable one
<font size="3" face="georgia,palatino">I have had a SOS since 2000... Put it on when I get out of the truck, take it off when I climb back in. Just a reminder though. I always keep mine in the truck. I used to have two and I would leaveone in the boat. Went to put it on and it had auto-inflated in a compartment, not a pretty picture. Moisture and auto-inflates do not mix. Also, they will not fully inflate in cold water and given the extra weight of winter clothing it could make for a disaster. Always wear a full size conventional when winter fishing, if for no other reason then it is a lot warmer.</font>
I like mine
I always wear it never know its there unless I don't shave and then it reminds me
===Mustang=== not suppose to inflate until fully submerged
I had a less expensive model that inflated in the dry storage of my boat
I am tempted to test it at times but it cost about $75.00 bucks for a rearm kit for the model I have.
Thanks for the info - I wear mine all the time, but I did not know it would not fully inflate in cold water. I have also wanted to test it to make sure it will hold me up - I can't find anything about the weight limit.
One other safety tip about the inflatables. Most have a manual blowup tab, so make sure it's plugged in.
I like mine - Sopenders brand.

Don't leave it in the truck as others said. I used to until mine inflated while the truck was parked in my dirveway.

Mine fully inflated this winter when I dumped myself out of my kayak into 42 dergee water. I was able to swim to shore and my buddy drug my kayak to me. Yes, after a short recovery period we kept on fishing.
A friend left his in the truck in hot weather and it inflated, too....glad to hear that it did fully inflate in cold water.
I have a Bass Pro version of the Mustang. A Christmas present from my Grandsons. I wear it all the time I'm in the boat. My first inflatable is a Stearns from Wally World. I have itin the boat for whoever is fishing with me. I put wearinga PFD right up there with wearing a seat belt. When you need it it's too late!!!
jd131 - 2/9/2013 7:36 AM A friend left his in the truck in hot weather and it inflated, too....glad to hear that it did fully inflate in cold water.

<font size="3" face="georgia,palatino">He didn't say it fully inflated. In 42 degree water it didn't. It is very simple physics: a volume of air at 80 degrees is not the same volume of air at 42 or lower. Luckily Finbully was a competent good swimmer and not unconscious. Be careful with inflates, the life you save may be your own.</font></p>
Thanks Carl, not what I wanted to hear, but glad you pointed it out - I'm not a good swimmer so I better switch during the winter months.