Inflatable PFD

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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
I went on-line today and began to order some lures and warm-weather gear to the tune of about $160. </p>

Before it was done, I scrapped it all and ordered an auto/manual -inflatable PFD that I can wear while fishing. </p>

I decided that it was foolish to spend another penny on gear before I had one.</p>

There...I'll feel better the next time I get out...</p>
I got one of the high-dollar Mustang hydrostatics that won't fire in the rain or while stored, it has to actually submerge 4" or so before it will go off. The other style is good, but I just don't want to sit in the rain with the vest inflated!emoEek emoLaugh
yeh mike what ericm said......the outo/manual can and will go off while stored or in rain or high humidity. then you got to go by a 15-20$ re-charge kit for it. for an extra 50$ you can get a pfd that is hydrostatic and all that good stuff that wont go off unless you fall in the water. i was with a friend over the summer who hit a cruiser wave and a 4 ft. wall of water came in the boat and my PFD did not go off. not sure if thats good or bademoScratch emoLaugh but atleast i did not have to spend 50$ for a recharge kit. either way mike that was a great move for you to get that PFD. you will love it and hopefully it will not come in handy.
Good info guys. Does anyone know what Sportsmans carries and if they have the hydrostatic ones? I rather spend the money and get one of those as much as I fish in the rain.
Remember they don't count toward your legal requirement on board unless you are actually wearing them. Check the Regs.
sportsmans has mustang FF. i think there like 220-240 for the hydrostatic. i found mine on line. don't have the web site but i found my packing slip. all i have is a phone number 954-346-5717 MUSTANG DELUXE AUTOMATIC INFLATABLEw/HAMMAR INFLATOR.... PRODUCT CODE, MD3183-U-BK/CR hope this helps FF i payed right at 200$ and the same one at sportsmans was 230+tax. i could not find one any cheeper anywhere.
MY son and I use SOSpenders. I think it is about $145. It will not fire in the rain either. The trigger is enclosed in the part that inflates and the water wafer is hanging upside down so water has to come from the bottom to fire it. So rain should not. I guess it could, but we have never had any problem with rain. It also has the manual inflate.

I know I do not have to, but we replace the CO2 cartridge and water trigger each year (about $20 when you find them on sale) just to make sure everything is fresh. My son enjoys it because he is the one I let jump off the boat to trigger the life jacket.
I have done a ton of research on the inflatable pfd's and the Mustang is by far the best. BUT! They cost well over $200 for the top of the line and the rearm kit is around $75. The lower end models and brands are fine for the "normal" sized person but the Mustang is the best for the larger than normal person. They have several more pounds of buoyancy than the cheaper ones.
Ive been looking at one of these myself , thanks for the info guys...

I would hate to find out a bargan was not a bargan to late..emoDoh
I ordered a lower-end Mustang Tournament Vest, on sale at BPS for $149 (reg $199), 35# bouyancy (that should float a skinny old fart, no?).</p>

I had read some earlier posts regarding the "touchy" firing issue (another PLUS to reading the CFF! Thanks, guys!), so I went with a Mustang...I hope that this model doesn't fire in the rain or if splashed.</p>

But hey, it's better than nothing, eh?</p>
I have 3 Mustangs and you won't be disappointed. The rearming kit does cost alot, but heck, if you had to use it you probably had your life saved anyway.
I went to BPS a couple weeks ago with the intention of buying the Mustang TX vest but they didn't have any at the Nashville store. I compared what they had and decided on the BPS XPS series. It's auto or manual, made by Mustang, uses a popular Mustang re-arming kit, has 35# bouyance, and was on sale for $119 (reg $169.) Didn't care for the color, but if I go overboard at 50 mph I doubt I'll be to concerned about that.emoSmile
The auto inflates are great in the spring, summer, and fall.... Do not use them in the winter. In cold water they will not fully inflate, and with the extra clothing for the cold, you will sink like a rock, a very big rock. Please use a floatation coat or a full PVD.....Inflates will not fully inflate just like butane will not burn hot, the cold reduces the volumn for inflation.....
hl&s - 12/6/2007 12:21 PM I compared what they had and decided on the BPS XPS series.

I almost got that one, on sale on-line @ $129, but since the Mustang was $50 off @ $149, I went ahead and spent the extra $20 for the pretty Mustang lettering and colors.
 Stylin' and profilin'.</p>


And the two use the same $25 re-arm kit, so that's cool...
Carl Guffey - 12/6/2007 12:36 PM In cold water they will not fully inflate, and with the extra clothing for the cold, you will sink like a rock, a very big rock. Please use a floatation coat or a full PVD

Excellent point, Carl! I wonder to what % of the 35# bouyancy they WILL inflate, and would that bouyancy be less than the normal (foam? filled) vests? Not the orange ones, but the nicer ones with foam and netting? I wonder what the bouyancy rating is on those? Guess I'll have to look it up unless someone knows off the top of their head.</p>

OK, it looks like the Mustang I bought is a type II and the "normal vests" are type III...I think that means more bouyancy for the normal vests, so that answers my question.</p>

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