Doc1 - 8/29/2008 9:26 PM
Big Fish, I have looked in a couple of my old evinrude books and there is no mention of a tach in either, it says to consult the tach manufacturer for the hook up diagram for any outboard. My question is this, why do you want to put a tach on such an old motor? You might try googlin tach hook up for old outboards and maybe find an answer, good luck.
jc4thecross - 8/29/2008 9:29 PM
Tachometer for Evinrude
Grey wire...sensor
Purple wire...12 volts <---from the key in the ON position
Black wire...Ground.
Grey is the sending unit.
Purple is 12 volts when key is ON
Black is ground
Check yor throttle/shift control the three prong coupling one is gray on my 79 50hp i spliced un to the wiring harness