Iron Man Cyclists

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May 26, 2009
Rossville, GA
I just wanted to thank the city of Chattanooga for the HUGE headache we and tons of other people had trying to get to church this morning. I'm all for someone pushing themselves and setting such lofty goals like competing in a triathlon. But if Chattanooga wants to sponsor an event then they need to race in Chattanooga! I Share the road with cyclists every Sunday morning but this was a new extreme. And I wonder how much the "scenic" city paid walker county for all the police and state troopers who had to block the roads for all this. Walker county will not get any business from this or any other benefits either. I'm sure they could've took a nice ride up 27 over the river and I wish they would've. Oh well rant over I think.
Don't get me started!! emoHoppingmad They are nothing but a rude nuisance that need to be kept to their designated bike lanes.
After some research, I've found that Chattanooga only paid for GDOT to put out some warning signs that said "Expect Delays" and "Bike Race". So where does that leave the bill for Ga State Patrol and like ALL of Walker Co. Sherriff's Dpt? Go ahead and have it next year I'm sure it brought in lots of revenue to Chattanooga but keep it up there!
Me too. But hey some of the FINE CITIZENS of WALKER COUNTY must have agreed with them....OIL & TACKS on the road......real classy. These men and women train for years to be in the Ironman Contest.......and are as passionate about it as some fishermen are about catching a damn fish.
Yeah. A once a year bike race is a damn good reason to throw tacks and oil down. Somebody has years and thousands of dollars invested for some slack jaw to ruin their race of a lifetime. How sad. Makes the whole community look like some uneducated mullets
These folks train for years, it certainly DID bring a ton of money into town, not including future visitors after they saw all that Chattanooga has to offer, and it inconvenienced you going to church one, (1) morning? WOW. :(
If you had any sense, you would set you're alarm a little earlier and be there to cheer them on. Maybe even say a prayer for their safety and for the hearts of the idjuts that put the tacks and oil down. Then make your way to church.
Take a breath and appreciate someone's love and dedication to their sport. Check out Jason Greer's story. Imagine what Iove his son has felt for an entire year.
I stopped doing them because of hip surgery, 27 as of 2005. Sad about the sabotage, but it really is "normal." Been run off the road several times, watched a friend get tossed after a car swerved into him to "scare" him and then attended the criminal proceedings. Ran into several cars while running when they decided to stop in front of me. Hope evidence shows who did it and they get slapped with criminal mischief charges.
Met at least a hundred of them today as they flew out of Chattanooga today. They loved it being here in Chattanooga and said that the event was really well run for it being the first time here. Hospitality of Chattanoogans was mentioned over and over again. It will be here for the next five years. Wish the complainers would take the time to talk to any of these athletes or event volunteers.
Kills when when I see so many people complain about the shutting down of the river too. So what...we yield a few times a year and have it to ourselves 95% of the time.
Buoy-Master - 9/30/2014 8:32 AM Kills when when I see so many people complain about the shutting down of the river too. So what...we yield a few times a year and have it to ourselves 95% of the time.

Yep .</p>
Oh good grief! Folks complain of a lot less on here. All I'm sayin was its a chattanooga sponsored event and its a HUGE city. Why run the bike legs in Ga? And I agree the sabotage was an imbarrasing and disgraceful act. I wish they could find someone responsible but it's not likely.
So you attend church that morning and your first thought after you leave the sanctuary is to fire off a rant about a bicycle race that caused you some inconvenience. Wow. Guess sermons these days aren't as inspiring as they used to be. Love thy neighbor and all that.

I too live in Chickamauga and seeing those cyclists coming through here was pretty darn cool. The streets downtown were lined with people cheering them on and generally having a great time. It was a spectacular event and I hope they route it right through here again.

Yeah, I had to adjust some things in my schedule since the roads were blocked off. But then again I had plenty of notice about that in the weeks before with the signs about the race posted all over the place. It was no surprise to me that things were shut down due to the race and I was able to plan accordingly.
Point taken. Sorry for the rant and for the record we did leave early. Just didn't realize how soon they would shut down Hwy 193.

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