is it legal

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Nov 30, 2005
Soddy Daisy
Is it legal to shoot deer for eating up your garden? I've put a lot of work into my garden this year and deer are eating everything!! I was tilling between my corn rows today and noticed they had eaten the tops off about half the plants. They ate my sweet potato vines two weeks ago:(
My buddy on Mowbray Mtn had to fence in his garden with a 8 foot fences made from Chicken wire to save his, its not real big prob 50x50 feet, He would have had to shoot at least 40 deer to do it that way
You have to get a t permit from TWRA that will classify them as nusience. Be aware if you life in the city limits of laws and ordinaces against firing a weapon in the city limits. The guy on Harrison Bay Rd ties a coon hound at is garden and it barks none stop all night long. The neighborhood has called the HCSO several times and nothing can be done about his dog. I can hear it at the park at night. It is a good 3/4 of a mile from from his house to the park.
We run an electric fence around ours. We put up three wires and hardly ever have a problem with it. Only thing that bothers it now are the coons.
My daughter had trouble with deer eating the beans and other leafy green veggies in her garden and I suggested that she go to a beauty shop and get some human hair. She did, sprinkled it around the edge of her garden, and the deer quit feeding there. That might work for your garden. Who knows?
There is a Deer away spray you might be able to find online its works great, never seen it around here my dad used it at his home in Penn. with good luck. also hang dryer sheets around the garden, and you can cut up pieces of Ivory soap and spread around the outside of the garden. All of this stuff works but then there is always the rogue deer that that stuff will do nothing the only thing to do then emoEnforce emoBigsmile
Just run around your garden and poop in little piles about 4 feet from each other. Your full of it so you should be able to get that done in one good movement.emoLaugh
never tried it, this may be worth a shot.

otherwise i would try the hair route. we found a deerstand about 2 feet from our property line one year, and the guy had cut down our trees for a shooting lane into our field... so we got hair, soap, the little blue toilet bowl discs, anything that smelled strong, and placed around his stand every week or so. he moved it, so i guess the deer just wouldn't come close enough to him for a bow shot ;)
Hair works great but you'll need a donor Lance, Ive seen the top of your head. Just dont ask me, I aint to far behind ya.
We had a problem like that. I got some Irish Spring soap bars and cut them into about 1" squares,
punched a hole in the middle and strung them on a string about 2 foot off the ground all way around the garden putting the squares about 2 feet apart. Stopped the deer............Hal
Lance, most of the local co-ops and tractor supply stores sell deer reppelant. I just use seven dust on my garden, it keeps the deer and bugs off my beans and other goodies, and I have a ton of deer around the house. If they are still giving you a fit as of Sept.27th let us know. Otherwise, I doubt you will be able to legally pop one where you live until the season begins.
Easiest way to keep deer out of an area for a period of time is soap. Get Irish Spring, or something else with a lot of fragrance, and walk around the perimeter of your garden while carving the soap with a knife. just drop little shavings along as you walk and this should work until we get a lot of rain and it washes away. when that happens, just go do it again. The soap is a foreign smell to them and will alert them that something isnt right. We do this for small food plots at the hunting club and at the house from time to time and it seems to work pretty well. pretty inexpensive as well