Is this true? (Update)

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Aug 24, 2011
David Carroll posted a blog(?) today. Apparently he did some research on the FB post about Lt.Cdr. White. According to David, his research led to the Navy releasing a statement to the effect that an investigation is continuing, and that no criminal charges are being considered "at this time". The Navy has not ruled out that charges could be brought at the conclusion of their investigation. Also, in an update on DCs post, another former Navy career officer has made a statement citing sources within the Pentagon claiming that the rumors are true. What a frikkin mess! Stay tuned for further updates!
Be prepared, he will be charged and convicted. Military rule cannot be changed on a whim. The only hope is that whoever is president at the time will pardon him.
SpurHunter - 8/4/2015 9:21 PM

Be prepared, he will be charged and convicted. Military rule cannot be changed one whim. The only hope is that whoever is president at the time will pardon him.

I dont doubt that he will be reprimanded and perhaps given a general discharge byy the Navy. However, if he is charged criminally, i would think that would be a federal charge.
How can an "Unarmed Armed Forces" defend against anything in a No Gun Zone.. When will Morons ever realize that No gun zones only apply to those who do not require to be regulated.. Liberal Logic...
Liveliner - 8/9/2015 6:46 AM

How can an "Unarmed Armed Forces" defend against anything in a No Gun Zone.. When will Morons ever realize that No gun zones only apply to those who do not require to be regulated.. Liberal Logic...

Its the same as with the folks who want to make handguns illegal. They think that by making guns illegal it will eliminate gun violence. The sad thing is, they limit the folks who have the most training with guns, and thereful are the most qualified to have them! ????????
Military Law is fickle. But recently in Knoxville, a convicted felon defended a store clerk that was being robbed by gun point and no charges were filed against the felon. It was said that because the store clerks life was in danger, there would be no charges against the felon. Hopefully this will be true for the Serviceman.

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