Jan 2 Suck Creek

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Most of the fish you will catch in the area will be spots, with a Lg. mouth or Sm. mouth here and there. Try around any barge tie offs or points. I would probably just start about 20 foot deep right now. Shakyhead worms, jigging spoons, hair jigs should work. It gets kinda slow when theres no current, but with current you can catch lots of fish. When there not pulling water you may want to take some shiners. Hope this helps.
We fish from Racoon Mtn to Suck Creek a lot in the spring and do very well. Although mostly spots I did catch two of the largest largemouths of my life (with one being my PB) this spring up around that area. It is hard to describe where to fish but I can show you on some maps or in March/April you can ride with me and I can show you some good banks.

Catfishing up there in April is out of sight as well.

The Racoon Mtn pump station banks are great in April and May. The bank beside the parking lot at the boat ramp up to the landing pad is very good.
I live and grew up in Suck Creek. I am nowhere near the fishermen that some of you guys are. But as Mr Whiskers said Raccoon Mtn is a good area. Most of the fish that I catch are spots. With a 2 pounder being a good fish. I recently started targeting the smaller species such as bluegill and crackers, with the goal of a 10" bluegill, but have not gotten there yet. I would love to take a trip with you and give my very limited knowledge.

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