I had about decided to stop posting. Had several at the CBA weigh in want to know where my reports had been so here is this one. It seems all the bass gang has stopped and no one wants to share.
Can't say I blame anyone. So many folks out there now, it is hard to find an open spot and sometimes you just have to take a number and get in line. emoCrazy Derek was the guide on this one and we were in his boat. I was the old man in the back of the boat. I sat down most of the time and was suppose to be there to net Derek's fish. Don't know what it is but Little Enus has been catching some really good bass of late when it does not count. Honestly he has, he sends me pictures of them on my phone now that I finally do text and know how to do pictures. emoBigsmile Issue is when there is a tournament on the line and it matters he either does not hook up or he looses them. This one was no different. He lost what appeared to be two good bass in the last hour of the tournament. emoBang Would have moved us up quite a bit.
Derek was really doing well at catching the little guys. We came up with a plan. He was to get the little ones out of the way and I would follow up with a worm dragging it behind the boat while he fan casts in the front. emoSmile This system worked pretty good. He did boat the first keeper on a beaver. Me the second on a worm. Then we got on a little fish area. It would appear the buck bass are more shallow wanting to set up house while the big females are still holding off the drops and in some cases still deep. I have seen two pods of fry so some have spawned. We were on one flat and Derek had me sticking out over the deeper water right on the edge. I picked up a crank and made a couple casts. Next thing I know it just stopped. For a second or two I thought I was hung but the hang up started moving. emoDance Yelled at Derek to get the net, if this was a bass it was a good one. Up came our best one of the day, just a little over 6 lbs. emoThumbsup I bet I threw that crank another hour and never had another strike. emoScratch Must have just about hit that one on the head.
Moved around several times going from shallow as sh..ah...heck to about six feet. We picked up one here and there as the day went on. About noon we were sitting on 16 to 17 lbs and could not seem to cull. Had a lull for a couple hours and finally about two oclock I got a good tap on my worm still sitting down dragging it behind the boat and up came our second best at 5.29 lbs. emoApplause Shortly there after Derek hooked up with one just over three and we culled another two. That gave us just over 20 lbs. Moved a couple more times with a couple more bass but none that would help the cause. That was when Derek had two on that both appeared to be good fish but they both came off before we got to see them. emoBooHoo Had to go on in with what we had.
This time of year you can sometimes have over 20 lbs in a CBA and only walk away with an At-A-Boy. We were happy to get 14th with our 20.18 lbs and we covered our entry and gas, as well as we both had enough left to take our better halves out to dinner to keep them happy. emoBigsmile They paid 19 places in this one.
Good tournament and as always the bunch of officers we have now lead by Shane Frazier did a great job. Thanks goes out to all of them. emoToast Jmax
Derek was really doing well at catching the little guys. We came up with a plan. He was to get the little ones out of the way and I would follow up with a worm dragging it behind the boat while he fan casts in the front. emoSmile This system worked pretty good. He did boat the first keeper on a beaver. Me the second on a worm. Then we got on a little fish area. It would appear the buck bass are more shallow wanting to set up house while the big females are still holding off the drops and in some cases still deep. I have seen two pods of fry so some have spawned. We were on one flat and Derek had me sticking out over the deeper water right on the edge. I picked up a crank and made a couple casts. Next thing I know it just stopped. For a second or two I thought I was hung but the hang up started moving. emoDance Yelled at Derek to get the net, if this was a bass it was a good one. Up came our best one of the day, just a little over 6 lbs. emoThumbsup I bet I threw that crank another hour and never had another strike. emoScratch Must have just about hit that one on the head.
Moved around several times going from shallow as sh..ah...heck to about six feet. We picked up one here and there as the day went on. About noon we were sitting on 16 to 17 lbs and could not seem to cull. Had a lull for a couple hours and finally about two oclock I got a good tap on my worm still sitting down dragging it behind the boat and up came our second best at 5.29 lbs. emoApplause Shortly there after Derek hooked up with one just over three and we culled another two. That gave us just over 20 lbs. Moved a couple more times with a couple more bass but none that would help the cause. That was when Derek had two on that both appeared to be good fish but they both came off before we got to see them. emoBooHoo Had to go on in with what we had.
This time of year you can sometimes have over 20 lbs in a CBA and only walk away with an At-A-Boy. We were happy to get 14th with our 20.18 lbs and we covered our entry and gas, as well as we both had enough left to take our better halves out to dinner to keep them happy. emoBigsmile They paid 19 places in this one.
Good tournament and as always the bunch of officers we have now lead by Shane Frazier did a great job. Thanks goes out to all of them. emoToast Jmax