Decided to sneak out this afternoon for a little fishing fun trip. Went for bass to start with but they were few and far between. I could not get them to play on much at all except a jig. Boated six bass and gave up to crappie fish. None of the bass were all that big but I did take a pic of the last one so you guys who tell me I have to have a picture can't complain. The crappie were a little better but still very hard to get to commit today. Hits were really light and some I never felt, I just saw my line kind of jump. Boated about twenty crappie and kept ten of the bigger ones for a couple meals. They made me three messes and will be having one here shortly tonight! emoHungry Most were caught right on the bottom. All on crappie assassins in green. Lots of folks out today but I did not see a lot of catching. Got to fry me up some fresh crappie so I better get off of here. emoDance Jmax