Jmax, Chick, Bass. CBA, 4/27/13, Derek

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Feb 5, 2023
I had surgery on my arm Tuesday and was told it would not be a good idea to go fishing on this tournament. Then after a lecture from my wife on how stupid that would be I did what all good dedicated bass anglers would do....I went. Of course I had to put up with the jokes like, "If you got off the computer videos your arm would not have that problem", and "Your wife is suppose to do that for you." emoRolleyes Actually I had cancer on my arm and they had to remove a section of it. With 20 stitches across the top and several more deep the concern was them breaking open. Nothing a little duct tape can't reinforce. emoBigsmile I had too cast with my arm held against me as not to stress the stitches but other then a little swelling and numbness at the end of the day it was fine.

I was afraid to use anything big due to my arm so I only used a shakey rod all day. Never even took any other rod out. We had a great tournament. I would say we boated around 40 bass and both of us got our share. Our issue was size. I think I only had four keepers and Derek had seven keepers. On size Derek kicked my butt, he had our limit in the boat by 9:30. I would clear out the small bass so he could catch a keeper. The plan worked pretty good. I stuck to the shakey while Derek switched from the shakey to a big worm to a beaver. We both lost one good fish each that just came off. Mine looked to be about 3/3.5 pounds that jumped off right by the boat and Derek's just bowed up his rod on one that would not move at first and then it hauled straight to the boat full speed to come off right by the boat, we never saw that one. Our smallest two were 2/9 and 2/10 so both of those would have helped. All our bass were less then 10 feet deep.

We were only able to cull twice after Derek put our limit in the well. He caught one other to improve with one at 3/10 and I managed our big fish of the day with one at 4/9. Our best five came in at 17.19 pounds and I believe that was about in the middle of the pack. We just never could find that kicker to get our weight on up there. Last year we did this same thing but managed one over seven and another over five to get us second. This year we had the same trip minus those two. emoRolleyes It was a very good day for us catching and even thou it rained on us almost the whole day it was a great outing and a lot of fun.

The tournament was won with 24.82 pounds by Chris Grant and Mike Looney and it took 21.53 pounds to get a check. There were eleven places paid. Lots of sacks in the 17 and 18 pound range. I would like to send out a congrats to my buddies Brent and Ben Hayes who did have the lead for a little while with 22.45 lbs.. They came in seventh and got a nice check for their efforts. emoWorthy Thanks to all who fished it and the officers who put it on for the CBA. I can tell you that is not as easy as you might think. emoThanks Jmax
Jim, once my Dad broke his arm and the cast that was put on had part of the cast material covering over the inside part of his hand. He took a pocket knife and whittled out a small hole in the palm portion of the cast so he could stick his bait caster's handle in the hole to turn the reel handle and fish! Get better!
I know how he feels. I broke my arm playing football one year right before the bow deer season started. The doctor explained to me that three bones were broken and in order to have all three mend properly he had to bend my arm and turn my wrist in a "Z" type shape. I asked was there any way possible to set it straight out like this, and I held out my arm as thou I was holding my bow. He thought I was nuts!!! He asked, "WHY in the world would you want your arm straight out like that?!" I explained after practicing all summer I hated to miss bow season and was hoping he could do it. emoRolleyes He said, "Not just no, but heck NO!" I missed bow season that year. emoBawl Some people just don't understand. ;) Jmax
beetlespin - 4/28/2013 10:41 AM

Twilson beat you again:)

Yea, I saw that. Twilson beat us by a hair over a pound. Twilson is doing good this year. emoThumbsup Jmax
Jmax, good to see you out there even though I know you were handicapped! Hey, I take any advantage I can get when we're up against you! LOL! It was exciting to have Steve say "we've got a new leader", that's why we weighed in early! emoLaugh Didn't have to worry about sitting & sweatin, it was just to cold & wet & Brindle & Wilson weighed in a bigger bag about 5 minutes after us! Ya'll had a nice day. We were just hoping to get 5, so we way exceeded our expectations!