I really did not even want to post this report. I got to feeling guilty about not posting this one since it was a poor one but I always post the good ones. emoRedface I went out two times this past week and had over 20 pounds one day and near 20 the next by myself with me leaving biting fish to save for the CBA. I just knew with Derek in the boat with me we could easily break 20 pounds. Both those days it was sunny and nice. The bass were deep and willing to hit deep. We had all our plans in place and where we were going to go. Problem was Mother Nature threw us a curve instead of a fast ball and we were not ready, struck out. emoDoh The deep water bite I had been on this week evaporated with every single drop of rain and the over cast skies. To make things worse I could see them on my depth finders but to save our life we could not make them bite. We did shift to shallow for just a little but never made the moves we should have. Just bad decisions all day. emoCrazy I kept wanting to go back to the deep stuff which now I know was a big mistake. emoBooHoo We boated 12 keepers but were culling just an oz here and there to come up a hair. I remember weighing two at 1/10 and another at 1/11. Culling those for just 2 pounders. We ended up with a poor showing of something like 11.5 lbs.
Bad start, bad decisions, not reacting to conditions, should I go on? Then to add insult to injury we lost three good bass we saw all bigger then our biggest in the live well. emoBang Nothing huge but at least it would have increased our weight. One jumped off that looked to be a good four that Derek hooked on a shallow square bill, two others that looked to be three pounders jumped off on me with one on a square bill and one on a shakey. Those three happened in the last hour or so after we finally figured out what was going on and had moved shallow. Too little too late. emoAngry This is one I am glad to get behind us.
Derek and I are having a really rough start to our CBA year so far. Having a good weight and a great start in March followed by three in a row that were a downright an embarrassment. emoRolleyes
Well, like the old saying goes, "That is why they call it fishing and not catching." Now we get to do it all over again this coming up weekend in the Shriners. emoTongue Jmax
Bad start, bad decisions, not reacting to conditions, should I go on? Then to add insult to injury we lost three good bass we saw all bigger then our biggest in the live well. emoBang Nothing huge but at least it would have increased our weight. One jumped off that looked to be a good four that Derek hooked on a shallow square bill, two others that looked to be three pounders jumped off on me with one on a square bill and one on a shakey. Those three happened in the last hour or so after we finally figured out what was going on and had moved shallow. Too little too late. emoAngry This is one I am glad to get behind us.
Derek and I are having a really rough start to our CBA year so far. Having a good weight and a great start in March followed by three in a row that were a downright an embarrassment. emoRolleyes
Well, like the old saying goes, "That is why they call it fishing and not catching." Now we get to do it all over again this coming up weekend in the Shriners. emoTongue Jmax