Jmax, Polo Bass 8/19

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Well-known member
May 29, 2005
Harrison TN
Jmax called me last night and he picked me up for some bass fishing last night. Fished 7-10:30pm. Started in the creek and caught one keeper there. The lightening put us off the water and Jmax and I fished from my dock for about 45 min. Jmax caught a 14 incher off my dock and I had caught one earlier, I need to fish there more often. After the rain/lightening we went to Harrison bay and caught some of Jmax's "pets". He caught them on his 10 inch black worms and me on a black spinnerbait. He will attest that mine were bigger, a couple over 3 lbs. He dropped me off and said he might fish all night, he will elaborate later. Great fishing and fellowship. The fish in HB were on the edge of a grassline in 9-14 feet of water. The one in the creek were on a bluff bank. Pics will be added when I get home tonight.
After no less than six PMs, I finally get a tentative date scheduled to fish with you. Jmax calls and your in his boat within minutes. What's up with thatemoPoke!
Jason I learned the best way to get Polo to go with you is call him up when you are going and say I am on my way, do you want to go.emoLaugh Even then he had to ask for permissin from his wife to go.emoPoke He knows how to keep the peace around his house.

Polo I had a very good time as always other than the lighting.emoEek It was nice to go to his docks and let it go over without having to leave the water. I have got to admit I caught the first keeper which was about 2.5 lbs and than polo had the next two(biggest fish) which I would say were a 4 (barely) and a 3 lber. We also managed a bunch of slicks and I would say we put about 20 in the boat. I took Polo back to his house about 10:30 and went back out on the main lake. The next stop was a long point that came out to 12 to 15 feet with several rock piles. It may be the old home foundations of Harrison. I caught four in about 15 minutes with two being nice keepers. If you took those five keepers they would have been about 14 to 15 lbs and for us that is not all that bad. Good night Polo and we can do it again soon. All my fish came on worms, during the lighted time I used my ol' stand by of pumkinseed with chartruse tail and when it got dark I went to the ol' night stand by of the ten inch mag from zoom in solid black. Polo caught his on a black spinner bait single blade slow rolled.emoThumbsup Jmax
I added the pics. I had a great time as always Jmax. Once Jmax put a spinnerbait on 'cause I was catching good ones they stopped biting and I never got another bite. I call it the curse of Jmax. If we fish a tournament again, remind me not to let you switch to my bait.
Golly Gee! Jmax is slipping! Did anyone notice how much background he gave away in his pic!?! Just kidding Jmax, I NEVER look for stuff like that in a pic!...emoAngel......besides you probably caught that one 2 miles from where you took the pic didn't you!...... emoBigsmile
That is the only one we caught there and it is a little of a community hole there fishnfool, I really didn't mind that one. If the storm had not been coming in we wouldn't have even been there. We were waiting to see what the lighting did so we were hanging around polo's house. Man that 2.5 lber looks bigger than that, I must have picked up some pointers from the Garth Brooks look alike.emoLaugh Polo's 4 doesn't look that big, I need to coach him a little on how to hold it.emoBigsmile We did have a pretty good night and had a little weight that night with the best five. emoCool Jmax

Polo I warned you I don't do very good on spinner baits. Yep,... as soon as I put one on they stopped biting them.emoScratch My ususal luck on a spinner bait.
Jmax - 8/21/2006 7:46 AM

That is the only one we caught there and it is a little of a community hole there fishnfool, I really didn't mind that one. If the storm had not been coming in we wouldn't have even been there. We were waiting to see what the lighting did so we were hanging around polo's house. Man that 2.5 lber looks bigger than that, I must have picked up some pointers from the Garth Brooks look alike.emoLaugh Polo's 4 doesn't look that big, I need to coach him a little on how to hold it.emoBigsmile We did have a pretty good night and had a little weight that night with the best five. emoCool Jmax

Polo I warned you I don't do very good on spinner baits. Yep,... as soon as I put one on they stopped biting them.emoScratch My ususal luck on a spinner bait.

Good fish guys! Now take a pointer from Beetlespin and extend your arms all the way out and then those fish magically become 6-8 pounders. emoLaugh emoGeezer
Your right there DK, if you look at mine it is way out there too. That bass inhaled that worm and I had to cut off the hook and leave it in the bass. It was bleeding a little so I hope it made it. The worm was all the way down in the stomach. As long as it can still eat and breath O.K. the stomach acid should get rid of the hook eventually.:( Jmax