Poor, tough, little fish and hard to hook up. Those are the words that come to mind about this trip. My buddy from VA still wanted to make our annual trip to the Chick this year but this past Spring when the Covid-19 virus hit it was just about shut down there so we decided to go this Fall. If I had known in advance how bad it was going to be I would have told him we needed to save our money.
We had reserved a room at Island Cove so we went even thou after getting the result of the CBA classic we knew if those ringers were not doing all that well we would probably struggle. Got there around noon on Monday the 26th and fished a half day. Then we fished a full day on Tues through Fri. We were in search mode the whole time. Kept searching for a pattern and the only pattern we found was there was no pattern. emoBooHoo
We did manage to boat 44 bass in four and a half days but when you consider what we have done on our trips in the past that was really poor. We have had days when we boated 44 bass in a day. emoCrazy One day it just about hit 80 degrees and was sunny as can be, we got burnt. Two other days it just about rained on us the whole time. Then the other two days we just about got blown off the water. emoRain What happened to the water being down for the frog bite!!!! Got there and it was only about three and a half foot low, when we left the water had come up to about normal. GEEZ!!!! emoDoh It was no wonder the bite was off, the ever changing conditions had us confused too. Well, so much for all my excuses. emoSorry
The biggest fish I managed to catch was a catfish. emoMad I would guess it was about seven pounds and it thought it wanted my shakey. We never found a bait that they wanted either. Caught fish on frogs, shakeys, buzz baits, spinner baits, chatter baits, crank baits, traps and poppers. We could have chased white bass, saw several schools of those but we did not come as far as we did to chase schooling whites. The best bass we boated were in the 3 lber ranges. nothing all that big. Water temp stayed about 70 the whole time we were there.
I guess that about sums it up. Not much to tell. Here are a couple pics for what they were worth, could not tell the 2 lbers from the 3 lbers on my phone, so I just sent a couple. I tried my best to hold those bass out far to make them bigger but they were just too small. There is also my catfish. emoRolleyes Tight lines gang, see you in the Spring of 2021! Jmax